I'm using Sublime txt 2 with HtmlTidy package, but I want to tát know what editor the students are using apart from the workspace editor from the course . thanks!
8 Answers
I am using Notepad++. I recommend beginners to tát use Notepad++. Because open source software and no auto-complete. Beginners can learn a lot.
Misha Shaposhnikov
Brackets is also an open-source project from Adobe that is written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to tát edit all sorts of trang web development tệp tin types. It also has an extension manager for creating custom plugins for your editor. Emmit, one of the most complete plugins for text editors, is available for Brackets.
Tristan Gaebler
Sublime Text 2 is awesome. It's easy and fun. It also looks awesome.
Daniel Muvdi
Yes i use a lot Notepad++, but i was programming Lua with sublimeTxt 2 and i get costume to tát that editor. is really powerful. thanks for share!
Kate Hoferkamp
I would recommend Notepad++ for any beginner, or at least, not having auto-complete on. It helps you learn and remember the code instead of simply relying on auto-complete to tát bail you out.
When I was first learning Java in High School, we had to tát write on Notepad++ or paper for our code, since the AP test was handwritten. I improved leaps and bounds because you had to tát pay attention to tát the syntax as well as the logic of the programming language.
With that being said, I lượt thích the look of Sublime Text 2 more so sánh than vãn Notepad++.
After tried so sánh much text editors and IDE, There's my final words :
Panic Coda : A interesting text editor which combine the terminal, FTP and SVN. He has a great CSS editor with some helpers. I've made all my infancy with it but he had showed up his limit while your skills grow up.
Sublime Text 2 : Really cool text editor, lightweight and modulable with plugins. The select the next occurence feature is a real gain of time when things begin to tát be to tát much repetitive. He accompanied mạ for a long time until I've seen the next one ...
Jetbrains PHPStorm : The ultimate IDE for mạ. Advanced code completion, FTP tư vấn, SVN, Refactory features, advanced shortcut, terminal, preview in browser, and stuff. His plugins make coding easier. Single problem : He takes alot of memory (but I have 8Go of RAM and it's okay) We're waiting the next version who's going to tát be released in Q4 năm trước featuring better Wordpress integration and occurence selector (like Sublime Text). If you don't tự PHP, Webstorm takes all the features of PHPStorm without the PHP stuff and %50 cheaper.
There's much text editor who's going to tát be released soon (I think about Brackets, Atom, etc.) so sánh you gonna have a lot of choice, much more than vãn now. ;)
Bonus : For all Mac Users, there's a tool you should have. It đường dây nóng CodeKit and it's just a must-have. It compiles your SASS/LESS/Stylus, reload your browser, uglify your SwaggSheet and JS, autoprefix your CSS, optimise your images, and stuff. I can't develop without it, regardless the IDE. :p
Double Bonus : This tweet show up which editor is the most used by developers : https://twitter.com/arnog/status/472054755842220032
Thomas Buchstab
At the moment i am using Notepad++ but I am still looking around. Found some interesting hints here.
Ricky Catron
The best choice for you is whatever enables you to tát work quickly and efficiently. I personally just use gedit because I lập cập ubuntu and I lượt thích that gedit doesn't get in my way. Its simple and easy with no confusion. I am able to tát focus on my code and not fancy shortcuts.