THAM ĂN - nghĩa trong tiếng Tiếng Anh


But children need some protection from their own gluttonous impulses, don't they?

The leaders at the state levels are no better than gluttonous beggars.

The pious priests withdrew their hands from it, while gluttonous priests took and devoured it.

They are equally obstinate and gluttonous and are always arguing like siblings.

But moderation is the key to good health, likewise gluttonous consumption of pineapple has negative side effects.

They are voracious carnivores and feed primarily on other fish, insects, annelid worms and crustaceans.

Both her parents were voracious readers, a circumstance that fostered her academic inclinations.

She has a voracious appetite and has a great fondness for stewed apples.

As a voracious predator, it was identified as a biocontrol agent for aphids and scale insects.

Self was a voracious reader from a young age.