[TCE] Final Reading test dòng lớp Pre-intermediate (20240920 193025) - PRE-INTERMEDIATE COURSE Final - Studocu


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Final test - Reading

Xin kính chào những TCE-ers, Chào mừng chúng ta cho tới với bài bác đua cuối khóa của loại lớp Pre-intermediate. Chúng bản thân hi vọng những bạn đã sở hữu những hưởng thụ tiếp thu kiến thức ấn tượng nằm trong team TCE. Dưới đấy là cấu trúc của bài bác đánh giá, chúng ta mừng rỡ lòng gọi kỹ trước lúc chính thức làm: Bài đua bao gồm 3 bài bác gọi với tổng thời hạn là 75 phút. Các chúng ta nên dành riêng trăng tròn - 25 phút thực hiện từng bài bác. Một số chú ý Lúc thực hiện bài:

  • Tất cả những đáp án rất cần phải điền vô answer sheet. 75 phút bao hàm cả thời hạn thực hiện bài bác và chuyển đáp án vô phiếu, chúng ta chú ý nhằm trấn áp chất lượng thời hạn.
  • Các chúng ta ko thất lạc điểm Lúc thực hiện sai, nên nỗ lực chớ quăng quật trống trải bất kì câu này nhé
  • Các chúng ta mừng rỡ lòng ko dùng tự điển, ko xem thêm kỹ năng. Bài đua chỉ đáp ứng mục đích nhận xét Output nhằm TCE tiện tương hỗ chúng ta, ko đem bất kì mục tiêu này không giống. Cuối nằm trong, chúc chúng ta thực hiện bài bác chất lượng và đạt được thành phẩm rất tốt. Chúng bản thân hy vọng sớm được gặp lại chúng ta ở khóa đào tạo và huấn luyện tiếp theo! Best, Team TCE

THE CATALYST FOR ENGLISH ❖ Trung tâm 1: Số 7, Phố Nguyễn Văn Tuyết, Quận Đống Đa, HN ❖ Trung tâm 2: Số 26, Ngõ 133, Thái Hà, Quận Đống Đa, HN ❖ Hotline: 096 2799 826 Họ và thương hiệu - Lớp: ............................................ SĐT: ................................. Email: .......................................................... Giáo viên giảng dạy: .........................................


You should spend about trăng tròn minutes on Questions 1-14, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Is this the kết thúc of the High Street? Take a walk down any 'High Street', normally places full of shops, and you'll notice signs that all is not well: they will say 'To Let'. The High Street faces real competition from out-of-town retail parks and the steady growth of supermarkets, both in number and in size. There is also the growing trend for people to lớn shop online, combined with a reduction in many families' finances which has affected customer confidence. Retailing (the sale of goods from a fixed location) is changing too: shopping is becoming a leisure activity as much as a necessity, along with the rise of home page delivery services saving time and journeys. Convenience is a powerful motivator for shoppers' behavior. Is the traditional High Street dying out? During the last two years, independent retailers have struggled more kêu ca the chain stores. Research suggests over 12,000 independent stores closed in 2009. Economies of scale (it is cheaper to lớn buy stock in bulk, sánh big shops can charge lower prices are one part of the issue). Supermarkets have stronger control over the supply chain and can manipulate prices more effectively. As a result of the decline in smaller stores, there are now many empty shops in most town centers, some of which have been vacant for some time, and have whitewashed windows. What impact tự they have on the overall 'feel' of the town for visitors and residents? More importantly, how does the loss of a familiar cửa hàng which has perhaps served decades of local residents affect people at a time when sánh many other familiar aspects of daily life are under threat? When a shopping mall is being planned, it is very important to lớn secure the key 'anchor' tenants: the big names that can guarantee customers through the doors. Is the disappearance of these familiar local shops and small department stores lượt thích losing a links with the past? The growth of CCTV cameras, the use of private security firms and the blurring of public and private land have also been an issue in cities such as Exeter. This can result in young people feeling that they are being victimized and forced out of đô thị centers. Another feature of many đô thị centers is that they are beginning to lớn look very similar to lớn each other. The New Economics Foundation introduced the term 'clone town' in a report published in 2004.

Questions 7- Look at the following features (7-10) and the list of groups below. Match each item with the correct group (A-D). NB You may use any letter more kêu ca once. 7. there are fewer of them 8. competition is increasing 9. business is getting better 10. are often located outside of the đô thị centre





This is true for: A independent shops that sell goods B supermarkets C both supermarkets and independent shops D private security firms Questions 11- Choose the appropriate letters A-D to lớn finish sentences 11-14. 11. Britain's High Streets are A. full of shops. B. suffering because of online shopping. C. convenient for shoppers. D. providing more competition for chain stores. 12. Economies of scale A. are causing problems for independent shops. B. means that bigger shops can buy more goods. C. affected 12,000 independent stores in 2009. D. are responsible for the economic problems of the past two years. 13. Shopping malls A. are being built in High Streets. B. are increasingly using CCTV. C. are being planned in Cambridge. D. lượt thích having well-known shops. 14. Nail bars A. are no longer trendy, B. are becoming more popular,

C. are starting to lớn offer online services, D. are also starting to lớn cut hair.

each engine as it is seen. Trainspotters exchange information, these days often by mobile phone, sánh they can work out where to lớn go to lớn see a particular engine. As a by-product, many practitioners of the hobby become very knowledgeable about railway operations, or the technical specifications of different engine types. Similarly, people who collect dolls may go beyond simply enlarging their collection, and develop an interest in the way that dolls are made, or the materials that are used. These have changed over the centuries from the wood that was standard in 16th century Europe, through the wax and porcelain of later centuries, to lớn the plastics of today’s dolls. Or collectors might be inspired to study how dolls reflect notions of what children lượt thích, or ought to lớn lượt thích. Not all collectors are interested in learning from their hobby, though, sánh what we might Gọi a psychological reason for collecting is the need for a sense of control, perhaps as a way of dealing with insecurity. Stamps collectors, for instance, arrange their stamps in albums, usually very neatly, organizing their collection according to lớn certain commonplace principles – perhaps by country in alphabetical order, or grouping stamps by what they depict – people, birds, maps, and sánh on. One reason, conscious or not, for what someone chooses to lớn collect is to lớn show the collector’s individualism. Someone who decides to lớn collect something as unexpected as dos collars, for instance, may be conveying their belief that they must be interesting themselves. And believe it or not, there is at least one dog collar museum in existence, and it grew out of a personal collection. Of course, all hobbies give pleasure, but the common factor in collecting is usually passion: pleasure is putting it far too mildly. More kêu ca most other hobbies, collecting can be totally engrossing, and can give a strong sense of personal fulfillment. To non-collectors, it may appear an eccentric, if harmless, way of spending time, but potentially, collecting has a lot going for it. Questions 15 - 18 Complete the sentences below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 15-22 on your answer sheet. 15. The writer mentions collecting .......................... as an example of collecting in order to make money. 16. Collectors may get a feeling of .......................... from buying and selling items.

  1. Collectors’ clubs provide opportunities to lớn share.................................
  2. Collectors’ clubs offer ............................ with people who have similar interests.
  3. Collecting sometimes involves a life-long............................ for a special item.
  4. Searching for something particular may prevent people from feeling their life is completely............................
  5. Stamp collecting may be ............................. because it provides facts about different countries.
  6. ............................. tends to lớn be mostly a male hobby. Questions 23 - 27 Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage 2? TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN If there is no information on this
  7. The number of people buying dolls has grown over the centuries
  8. Sixteenth-century European dolls were normally made of wax and porcelain.
  9. Arranging a stamp collection by the size of the stamps is less common kêu ca other methods.
  10. Someone who collects unusual objects may want others to lớn think he or she is also unusual.
  11. Collecting gives a feeling that other hobbies are unlikely to lớn inspire.

cameras and millions of pictures from number plate recognition cameras used increasingly to check up on motorists. E And now another type of technology is being introduced. It’s called the Microdrone and it’s a toy-sized remote-control craft that hovers above streets or crowds to lớn film what’s going on beneath. The Microdrone has already been used to lớn monitor rock festivals, but its supplier has also been in discussions to lớn supply it to lớn the Metropolitan Police, and Soca, the Serious Organised Crime Agency. The drones are small enough to lớn be unnoticed by people on the ground when they are flying at 350 ft. They contain high-resolution đoạn phim surveillance equipment and an infrared night vision capability, sánh even in darkness, they give their operators a bird’s-eye view of locations while remaining virtually undetectable. F The worrying thing is, who will get access to lớn this technology? Merseyside police are already employing two of the devices as part of a pilot scheme to lớn watch football crowds and city parks looking for antisocial behavior. It is not just about crime detection: West Midlands fire brigade is about to lớn lease a drone, for example, to lớn get a better view of fire and flood scenes and aid rescue attempts; the Environment Agency is considering their use for monitoring of illegal fly tipping and oil spills. The company that makes the drone says it has no plans to lớn license the equipment to lớn individuals or private companies, which hopefully will prevent private security firms from getting their hands on them. But what about local authorities? In theory, this technology could be used against motorists. And where will the surveillance society end? Already there are plans to lớn introduce smart water containing a unique DNA code identifier that when sprayed on a suspect will cling to lớn their clothes and skin and allow officers to lớn identify them later. As long as high-tech tools are being used in the fight against crime and terrorism, fine. But if it’s another weapon to lớn be used to lớn invade our privacy then we don’t want it. Question 28 - 32 Choose the most suitable headings for sections A-E from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-ix) next to lớn the sections. List headings i The Spy in the sky ii The spread of technology iii The limitations of cameras

iv The cost of cameras v Robots solving serious crimes vi Lack of conclusive evidence vii Cars and cameras viii ix x Advantages and disadvantages A natural progression A feeling of safety Example: Answer Paragraph A ix 28. Paragraph B _________ 29. Paragraph C _________ 30. Paragraph D _________ 31. Paragraph E _________ 32. Paragraph F _________ Question 33- 35 33. Britain has already got A. four million CCTV cameras. B. more data about DNA kêu ca any other country. C. the most sophisticated crime-fighting technology. D. access to lớn the genetic data of one in fourteen people living in Britain. 34. Professor Press A. works at the University of Manchester. B. studies car-related crime. C. is concerned about the negative impact of the use of CCTV. D. feels that some marketing departments lie about the crime-reducing benefits of CCTV.


Xin chúc mừng chúng ta tiếp tục hoàn thành xong hoàn thành bài bác test! Bạn hãy ra soát kĩ bài bác trước lúc nộp nhé vì thế các bạn sẽ ko thể kiểm soát và điều chỉnh được câu trả lời sau Lúc nộp bài bác. Kết trái ngược sẽ tiến hành gửi lại chúng ta trong khoảng một tuần, chúng ta hãy kiên trì chờ kết trái ngược và nếu như còn bất kể do dự gì, hãy nhắn tin tưởng mang lại tài khoản TCE Helper và để được hỗ trợ sớm nhất nhé. Cuối nằm trong, The Catalyst for English trân trọng những nỗ lực, nỗ lực tiếp thu kiến thức của doanh nghiệp vô thời gian qua loa. Được sát cánh đồng hành cùng theo với chúng ta bên trên hành trình dài đoạt được bài bác đua IELTS là niềm vinh dự và niềm hạnh phúc của bọn chúng bản thân. TCE hy vọng sẽ tiến hành nối tiếp sát cánh đồng hành với chúng ta trong những khoá học tập tiếp sau và nằm trong chúng ta đạt thành phẩm cao nhất! Cảm ơn chúng ta và hứa tái ngộ chúng ta sớm, our TCE-er 💕 Thân mến, Team TCE

THE CATALYST FOR ENGLISH ❖ Trung tâm 1: Số 236, Phố Nguyễn Văn Tuyết, Quận Đống Đa, HN ❖ Trung tâm 2: số 37, Lê Trọng Tấn, La Khê, HĐ Hà Đông, HN ❖ Hotline: 096 2799 826 ❖ Nhận tư vấn khóa đào tạo và huấn luyện IELTS tích phù hợp 1 kèm cặp 1 kể từ 0 - 7: m/