Practice English Listening Test for B1 with answer and audioscript – Test #13


Listening Part 1

Questions 1-7

For each question, choose the correct answer.

1   Which activity will the family tự this year?

2   Which is the woman’s house?

3   Why will drives have problems this morning?

4   What time will Robin leave the house?

5   What did Simon tự this morning?

6   What hasn’t the girl packed yet?

7   What has the woman just bought?

Answer và Audioscript

1 B   2 A   3 C   4 B   5 C   6 C   7 A


1   Which activity will the family tự this year?

Woman:   We’re going lớn try an activity holiday this year, but we all want lớn tự something different. The children want lớn go cycling but their father wants lớn go on a water sports holiday, you know, sailing and windsurfing, things lượt thích that. And I’d lượt thích lớn go walking. We all want lớn go together so sánh we’ve decided lớn let the children choose this year, and we’ll choose next year.

2   Which is the woman’s house?

Man:   How will recognise your house when I điện thoại tư vấn for you, Sue?

Woman:   Well, it’s the same as all the others in the street, but look out for a big tree. It’s by the front gate and it’s covered in lovely white flowers at the moment.

3   Why will drives have problems this morning?

Man:   And on lớn this morning’s local traffic news. Driving conditions have improved now that the early morning fog has gone. Rain is forecast for tonight but it will be fine during the day. The police have warned drivers lớn expect delays coming into town because of repairs lớn Victoria Bridge and advise lorries lớn find another route if possible.

4   What time will Robin leave the house?

Woman:   Oh Robin! Pete’s just lúc lắc lớn say that he’ll be here a bit later than vãn he said. The plane’s going lớn take off at eight o’clock now so sánh you don’t need lớn check-in until about quarter past seven. He said he’d be round lớn pick you up at half past six instead of six o’clock. Is that OK? It’ll give you some more time lớn pack anyway!

5   What did Simon tự this morning?

Woman:   Oh Simon, you haven’t even washed the dishes. Have you done anything this morning?

Boy:   I’ve been really busy, Mum. I paid the window cleaner who called and I was going lớn put away all the shopping you bought yesterday but Pete rang and he kept mạ talking for ages.

6   What hasn’t the girl packed yet?

Woman:   Have you got everything you need for your holiday?

Girl:   Well, I’ve packed my soap and toothbrush if that’s what you mean, but I can’t find any toothpaste anywhere.

Woman:   There’s probably some in the bathroom cupboard. But what about a towel, have you remembered lớn pack that?

Girl:   Of course.

7   What has the woman just bought?

Woman:   What tự you think? I found it in that new department store yesterday. I think it’s perfect. It’ll keep the sun off my face and it’ll go really well with the dress I’m wearing lớn the wedding. It’s the same colour as my bag, too. I just need a new jacket now.

Listening Part 2

Questions 8-13

You will hear an interview with Angela Morgan, who has recently flown around the world in a helicopter.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

8   The main reason for Angela’s trip was to

        A   make money for her business.

        B   make money for other people.

        C   have an exciting adventure.

9   What does Angela say about her life now?

        A   She feels much older.

        B   She likes lớn be active and busy.

        C   She is lonely without her children.

10   When Angela had flying lessons

        A   her course lasted five months.

        B   her husband took lessons as well.

        C   she got lớn know her teacher well.

11   During the trip, Angela and her teacher

        A   did very little sightseeing.

        B   carried all the water they needed.

        C   had engine problems several times.

12   What did Angela enjoy most about the trip?

        A   flying at night

        B   walking in the desert

        C   watching the changes in the scenery

13   What did Angela miss most while she was away?

        A   modern bathrooms

        B   regular exercise

        C   interesting entertainment

Answer và Audioscript

8 B   9 B   10 C   11 A   12 C   13 B


Man:   And today I’m talking lớn Angela Morgan. Angela, what made you decide lớn fly round the world in a helicopter?

Woman:   People often ask mạ why I decided lớn tự it but I’m surprised they don’t ask ‘Why did you wait so sánh long?’ because I’m 57 now! I’m sorry I didn’t tự it years ago, because it was such a wonderful experience. But the main purpose for going was lớn collect £500,000 for sick children by getting different companies lớn pay us money for each kilometre that we flew.

Man:   And now everyone calls you the flying grandmother!

Woman:   Yes, the thing about growing older is that you don’t feel any different inside, so sánh you have lớn tự as much as you can while you can. I’m healthy, and my own children are grown up, so sánh I was không tính phí lớn go.

Man:   And what about preparing for the trip?

Woman:   Well, it took five months lớn plan. I was going lớn go with my husband, but he couldn’t take time off work. Instead I made the trip with my flying teacher who became a great friend while she was teaching mạ lớn fly three years ago. I passed my flying test after two weeks; found it quite easy.

Man:   And what was the trip like?

Woman:   It was really exciting flying over so sánh many different countries. The only thing was that we weren’t able lớn spend much time sightseeing because we only stopped lớn get water and lớn camp. We took very little with us, but we did have tents and cooking things lớn use at night. We had lớn spend two days in Thailand because of an engine problem, but that was the longest we spent anywhere. Fortunately nothing else went wrong, so sánh we just kept on going after that.

Man:   What did you enjoy most about the trip?

Woman:   The most wonderful thing about flying was seeing the differences in the countryside as we flew across 26 countries in 97 days. We flew over oceans and close lớn mountains; sometimes it was quite frightening, but we didn’t travel when it was dark. We spent several nights camping in the desert and the sky was just full of stars. I made a video clip of the trip; you’ll see it in a minute.

Man:   Was there anything that you missed while you were away?

Woman:   Well, lớn my surprise I didn’t miss going lớn work or going out lớn restaurants or films. The most difficult thing was sitting still all the time; I normally play tennis and swim several times a week, so sánh I started lớn feel very unfit. I missed hot water and proper showers sometimes too, but not as much as I thought I would!

Listening Part 3

Questions 14-19

You will hear a radio announcer talking about activities at a museum called Science World.

For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

Science World

Next week’s Special Events


* Electricity workshop

* Experiments with water

* Talk about space travel by well-known scientist from (15) …………………


(14) …………………

Wednesday morning

Saturday evening

Science World entrance fees are:    £3.00 Adults

                                                                  £2.00 Children

Tickets for Special Events cost extra:    (16) £ ………………… Adults

                                                                       Reduced prices for children

Get tickets direct from Science World on 284311, or from the (17) ………………… .

Newton Café is next lớn the (18) …………………

(snacks available all day).

Phone Science World for không tính phí ticket lớn exhibition about (19) ………………… .

Answer và Audioscript

14   Monday afternoon/p.m.

15   America / U.S.A. / United States (of America)

16   £1.75

17   tourist office(s)

18   beach

19   computer(s)


Man:   This week in the local activities part of the show, we’re taking a look at Science World, the new place lớn visit for a family day out. During your visit you’ll be able lớn find out about all the latest developments in science, as well as trying lots of experiments for yourself. This is no ordinary museum, I promise you! There’s a programme of special events, which next week includes an Electricity Workshop on Monday afternoon, and the chance lớn tự some experiments with water on Wednesday morning. Of special interest is the regular Saturday evening talk: next week Science World welcome a famous American scientist who is going lớn talk about space travel.

It isn’t expensive lớn visit Science World, with tickets priced at three pounds for adults and two pounds for children. Talks and other special events are extra, though, with an entrance fee of £1.75 for adults and there are reductions for children. If you want lớn go lớn a special sự kiện or talk, then book your tickets direct from Science World on 284311, or pick them up from the tourist office.

While you’re at Science World, you’ll be able lớn enjoy a snack in the Newton Café – it’s a bit small, but the food is good. It’s open all day and it has a lovely view because it’s beside the beach.

Still not sure? Well, why not give Science World a điện thoại tư vấn on 284311? If you say you heard about Science World on this programme they will send you one không tính phí ticket lớn next month’s exhibition which is about computers. It’s suitable for families and school parties.

And now let’s look at …

Listening Part 4

Questions 20-25

You will hear a conversation between a boy, Tom, and his sister, Clare, about school.

Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.

If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO.





20   Clare thinks their father will be pleased by Tom’s news.



21   Tom believes he can manage both swimming and school work.



22   Tom’s teacher thinks Tom is clever.



23   Tom dislikes doing maths.



24   Clare thinks it is a bad idea lớn take a friend’s advice.



25   Tom finally realises he will need his father’s agreement lớn his plans.



Answer và Audioscript

20 B   21 A   22 A   23 B   24 A   25 A


Boy:   Guess what, Clare? I’ve been chosen for the school swimming team! What tự you think about that?

Girl:   Well, I think it’s great, but I’m sure Dad won’t say the same when he finds out. You know how he feels about you doing all this sport and not doing your school work. You’ll never get all your homework done, especially if you have lớn travel lớn other schools for competitions.

Boy:   It won’t make any difference. I can tự my homework on the bus.

Girl:   Honestly Tom, you know what your teacher said lớn Dad last term. You’ve got a good brain and you could improve your marks at school if you spent a bit less time thinking about sport. Sometimes I wonder if you ever think about anything else at all.

Boy:   Well, I work hard at everything I lượt thích doing, not just sport. I mean, take maths for example.

Girl:   Okay, it’s your life, but you know you have your examinations next year for college, and at most of the good colleges they have great sports facilities. If you aren’t accepted, then you’ll have lớn find a job and that won’t be easy.

Boy:   Oh I’ve thought about that already. I’m thinking of applying lớn tự Sports Science at college and someone told mạ some of the colleges often take students with lower marks if they’re good at sport.

Girl:   Well, I wouldn’t depend on what one of your friends says if I were you.

Boy:   For your information it wasn’t one of my friends, it was a teacher at school.

Girl:   I’m only trying lớn help and anyway it doesn’t really matter what I say, it’s Dad you have lớn worry about.

Boy:   Yes, okay. I know you’re right about that. I’ll have a chat with him tonight and explain things again.

Girl:   Good luck!