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Elementary Teacher’s Book American English Series Editor Jim Scrivener Author Sheila Dignen
128 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 38; photocopiable activity 7A Vocabulary LANGUAGE UNIT countable and uncountable nouns + some/any ■ food and drink
7A Food lớn your door
Food and drink
1 A Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Where bởi you usually go food shopping? 2 How often bởi you buy food? 3 Do you enjoy food shopping? Why/Why not? B Look at the pictures on the page. Which items of food can you name? Go lớn Vocabulary practice: food and drink, page 147
2 Read the text. What types of food are very popular in food boxes?
3 A 7 Listen lớn James and Fran. What bởi they cook for their dinner?
B 7 Listen again. Which two types of food aren’t in the food box? fruit potatoes eggs peas rice beef onions peppers
4 A 7 Listen and complete the sentences.
1 We need pepper. 2 There’s beef. 3 There isn’t rice. 4 You have tomatoes, strawberries, and potatoes. 5 Are there onions? 6 There aren’t peppers. B Read the sentences again and complete the rules with singular or plural. Then read the Grammar box. 1 Uncountable nouns lượt thích rice and beef only have a size. 2 Countable nouns lượt thích tomato and onion can be singular or. 3 We use some and any with uncountable and countable nouns. Do you hate supermarkets? Do you lượt thích eating healthy meals? A lot of companies in different countries now deliver food boxes lớn your house. You can find boxes with all different types of food: fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, vegetarian and vegan food, and even desserts, cookies, and cakes. Fruit and vegetables are very popular, especially if it’s the season when they’re fresh. You usually can’t choose the food in the box – it’s a surprise!
What should we have for dinner?
130130 EXTRA PRACTICEEXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 00; photocopiable activity 7A GrammarWorkbook page 38; photocopiable activity 7A Grammar countable and uncountable nouns + some/any ■ food and drink LANGUAGE 7A Personal Best Think of someone you know and make the perfect food box for him/her. Describe it. 59 Go lớn Grammar practice: countable and uncountable nouns + some/any, page 124 5 A 7 Pronunciation: some/any Listen lớn the sentences. How bởi we say some and any? Are they stressed? 1 I have some fruit in my bag. 2 We need some carrots. 3 There are some crackers on the plate. 4 We don’t have any bread. 5 I don’t want any peas. 6 Is there any milk? B 7 Say the sentences. Listen again, kiểm tra, and repeat. 6 A Look at the pictures and name the items. Are they countable (C) or uncountable (U)? a e b f c g d h B In pairs, make sentences about the food and drink in 6A. Use a, an, or some. There are some mushrooms. 7 A Imagine you are preparing a fresh-food box for a family. Choose the following food and drink lớn go in it: B Guess what’s in your partner’s box. Ask questions with Is there/Are there ...? Who can guess the most items? A Is there any cheese? B No, there’s not. My turn. Are there any strawberries? A Yes, there are! Go lớn Communication practice: Student A page 162, Student B page 171 8 Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1 What bởi you usually have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? 2 What food bởi you need for your favorite meal? 3 What food is in your fridge at trang chủ right now? three types of fruit some protein (meat, fish, etc.) three types of vegetables something sweet Countable nouns: Uncountable nouns: There are some onions. There’s some fruit. Are there any tomatoes? Do we have any pasta? We don’t need any potatoes. There isn’t any juice. Grammar countable and uncountable nouns + some/any two strawberries meat two apples three eggs rice pasta
####### LANGUAGE 7A
Grammar Read the Grammar box with sts about countable and uncountable nouns + some/any. Elicit that uncountable nouns have no plural size, ví we can’t say two rices or three pastas. Elicit that we use some and any with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns: There is some fish. There are some eggs. Point out that we use some in affirmative sentences, but we use any (NOT some) in negative sentences and questions: There aren’t any potatoes NOT There aren’t some potatoes. Ask questions lớn kiểm tra concept. Concept kiểm tra questions: I lượt thích apples – countable or uncountable noun? (countable). Do you lượt thích meat? – countable or uncountable? (uncountable). We use “some” in affirmative sentences – true or false? (true). Can we use “some” and “any” with uncountable nouns? (yes). Can we use them with plural nouns? (yes). They have any fish – correct or incorrect? (incorrect – we use some in affirmative sentences). Do we have some pasta? – correct or incorrect? (incorrect – we use any in negative sentences and questions). Go lớn Grammar practice: countable and uncountable nouns + some/any, SB page 124/TB page 261. Sts will find more language reference, presentation, and practice for countable and uncountable nouns + some/ any here. Do these exercises with the class, or mix them for homework, before continuing with exercise 5A of lesson 7A. Remind sts lớn go lớn the tiện ích for further self-study grammar practice of countable and uncountable nouns + some/any. 5 A 7 Allow sts time lớn read through the sentences, and then play audio track 7. See the SB page opposite for audio script. Sts listen and notice the pronunciation of some and any. Elicit how the words are pronounced, and elicit that they are unstressed. B 7 Sts work in pairs lớn practice saying the sentences. Play the audio again for sts lớn listen, kiểm tra, and repeat. 6 A Sts look at the pictures lớn name the items and say whether they are countable and uncountable. They could work in pairs for this. Check answers. Answers a a lemon – C b mushrooms – C c milk – U d water – U e ice cream – U f an orange – C g cheese – U h candy – U B Read out the example and elicit another example from the class. Sts work in pairs lớn make sentences about the food. Elicit some sentences from the class. 3 x PRACTICE SB page 59, exercise 6A/B 1 Do exercise 6A as normal. To kiểm tra answers, point to each picture and elicit the name of the item. Then ask: singular or plural? a, an, or some? Elicit answers. 2 Sts work in pairs. They take turns pointing lớn one of the pictures. Their partner must say the correct word as quickly as possible. Encourage sts lớn practice several times, until they can say all the words confidently. 3 Do exercise 6B as normal, and elicit some sentences from the class. Ask sts lớn cover the pictures and draw a grid of eight squares, lớn match the eight pictures. They work in pairs, and try lớn remember the order of the items by writing the appropriate sentence in each square on their grid. They can look at the pictures at the kết thúc lớn kiểm tra. Ask who remembered perfectly! 7 A Read through the instructions with the class and explain protein if necessary. Sts work individually to choose the foods for their food box. B Demonstrate the activity by asking a confident student some questions about their fresh-food box. Sts then work in pairs lớn ask and answer questions. Ask who guessed all the items correctly. Go lớn Communication practice Divide the class into Student A and Student B. All “Student A” sts should go lớn SB page 162. All “Student B” sts should go lớn SB page 171. Go lớn TB page 337 for the teacher notes. Do the activity, and then continue with exercise 8 of lesson 7A. 8 Allow sts time lớn read the questions and prepare their answers individually. Sts then work in pairs lớn ask and answer the questions. Ask some sts lớn tell the class something they learned about their partner. PERSONAL BEST Sts can practice food and drink vocabulary further. They think of the perfect food box for someone they know and write some sentences lớn describe it. Encourage them lớn include some negative sentences as well as affirmative ones, e., There are some apples, but there aren’t any oranges. Weaker sts could choose ten things lớn put in a food box for themselves and note down the items. They could then work in pairs and present their food boxes lớn each other. Ask some pairs which items they both had in their boxes.
####### SKILLS 7B
WARMER Ask: What bởi you usually have for lunch? Elicit a few answers from individual sts, then ask sts lớn note down four or five things they often eat and drink for lunch. Put sts into small groups lớn compare their answers. Ask groups lớn tell the class whose lunches are similar, and whose are very different. 1 A Read out the question. Sts mark the line with their own opinion. Sts can compare their answers in small groups. Discuss as a class who thinks it is very important lớn stop for lunch, and who thinks it isn’t important at all. B Sts discuss the questions in pairs. Get feedback on their answers. Skill Read the Skill box with sts about skimming a text. Remind them that they can also learn a lot about a text by reading the title and looking at pictures. Point out that the first sentence of each paragraph often introduces the topic for that paragraph, ví it is useful to read that sentence carefully. Emphasize the fact that when you skim a text, you shouldn’t stop if there are words you don’t understand, but should continue reading lớn understand the general meaning. 2 Check that sts understand the country names. Pre-teach colleagues if necessary. Sts skim the text and match the countries with the sentences. Check answers. Answers 1 Kenya 2 the U. 3 Italy 3 Pre-teach nap. Sts read the text again and answer the questions. Encourage sts lớn use their own words in their answers if possible. Check answers. Answers 1 cheese or meat such as chicken 2 She reads the news on the Internet. 3 Because people leave trang chủ early and don’t have time for breakfast. 4 He likes sitting outside in the sun. 5 They close for two or three hours. 6 He sometimes has a nap / sleeps for a short time. 4 Sts read the text again and write the correct places. Check answers. Answers 1 in their office, at their desk 2 supermarket, delicatessen, café 3 the west of Kenya 4 at home 5 Read out the questions and kiểm tra that sts understand everything. Allow sts time lớn prepare their ideas individually. They then discuss the questions in pairs. Get feedback on their discussions. Text builder Read the Text builder box with sts about pronouns and possessive adjectives. Explain that when we write, we use pronouns and possessive adjectives ví that we don’t keep repeating the same nouns and names. Use the example sentences lớn elicit examples of pronouns and possessive adjectives. Ask questions lớn kiểm tra concept. Concept kiểm tra questions: Which pronoun refers lớn a thing? (it). What about a man or boy? (he). What about a woman or girl? (she). My parents enjoy food and he always has a big lunch – correct? (no – they always have). This is my brother’s favorite restaurant – can you replace “my brother’s” with a possessive adjective? (his favorite restaurant). My friends and I love this café – it’s her favorite – correct? (no – it’s our favorite). 6 Sts look at the underlined pronouns and possessive adjectives in the sentences and decide what they refer lớn. They could work in pairs for this. Check answers. Answers 1 my lunch break 2 Italians 3 my wife 7 Allow sts time lớn prepare their answers individually. Sts then discuss the questions in pairs. Ask some sts lớn tell the class something they learned from their partner. 7B Stopping for lunch Sts read about how people spend their lunch break and what they eat for lunch in different parts of the world. Sts then think about the lunch habits of people in their own country. Reading Skill Text builder A text about lunch in different parts of the world Skimming a text Pronouns and possessive adjectives
134 61 SKILLS Challenge! skimming a text ■ pronouns and possessive adjectives READING 7D7B Personal Best Write a paragraph about a typical lunch on a work day for you. 61
Lnc rn t rl
SKILLS “My lunch break is an hour, but it’s longer on Fridays. I usually go for lunch with some friends from work, and we lượt thích sitting outside in the sun lớn eat. It’s nice lớn have lunch together. I usually order the same dish: fish with vegetables in a creamy sauce.” In the U., a lot of working people take a short lunch break. ey eat lunch in their office or even at their desk. Sandwiches are the most popular lunch, and they’re oen filled with cheese or meat, such as chicken. People bring their own sandwiches or buy them from a supermarket, delicatessen, or café. A lot of places also sell salads and soup lớn take out. “I rarely take more kêu ca ten lớn fieen minutes lớn eat my lunch. I usually buy a sandwich from a coffee cửa hàng near the office. I then eat it at my desk and read the news on the Internet. Aer that, I continue working.” In Kenya, lunch is a very important meal because people leave trang chủ very early, and they don’t have time for breakfast. Working people usually have a long, sociable lunch. ey oen go lớn their favorite restaurant with their colleagues. People eat a lot of fish, and the most popular dishes come from the west of Kenya. In small towns and villages in Italy, people usually take a long lunch break. Stores and businesses close for two or three hours, and families have a big lunch together at trang chủ. It’s different in big cities – people take a shorter lunch break and usually don’t go trang chủ. e quality of the food is very important lớn Italians, even if their lunch break is short. “I always close my store for lunch and eat with my family. My wife is an excellent cook. She usually makes some pasta with beef and tomato sauce, and then we have chicken or fish with fresh vegetables. I sometimes have a nap (a short sleep) aer lunch. I open the store again at 4 p.” EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 39
136 7 LANGUAGE quantifiers: (how) much, (how) many, a lot of, a few, a little ■ containers and portions 62
####### 7C Are you hungry?
1 Look at the picture and discuss the questions in pairs. 1 What can and can’t you eat or drink when you’re on a diet? 2 Do you know any unusual diets? 2 A Read the text. Why is the diet called the “5:2 diet”? Do you think it is a good idea? B Complete the chart with the food and drink that Gary eats every week. Vegetables Fruit Meat Dairy products Drinks Other food Five days a week Two days a week Gary is on the 5:2 diet. FIVE DAYS a week, he has:
- Breakfast – two eggs, three slices of toast with butter, a cup of coffee with milk and sugar
- Snack – a few cookies
- Lunch – a bag of nuts, two sandwiches
- Snack – a small bag of potato chips, a carton of juice
- Dinner – pasta with beef and tomato sauce, peas
- Drinks – five cups of coffee with sugar and milk, three bottles of cola TWO DAYS a week, he has:
- Breakfast – a slice of toast with no butter, a cup of coffee with no milk
- Snack – water, an apple
- Lunch – salad
- Snack – an orange
- Dinner – chicken and cabbage
- Snack – a few grapes
The 5:2 diet
1 large burger 2 small bars of chocolate 3 bags of potato chips 2 bowls of rice 6 tins of tomatoes 6 bananas a a slice of toast b c d e f 3 A Label the items from Gary’s list. Do you know about the 5:2 diet? For some people, this amazing diet really works. On the 5:2 diet, you can eat normally for five days a week. You are only on the diet for two days a week, but, on those two days, you can only eat 500 calories a day if you’re a woman and 600 if you’re a man. How much is 600 calories? Here are some examples: EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 40
####### 7C
WARMER Ask: What kinds of food are good for you? What kinds of food are not healthy? Why? Elicit a few ideas, and then put sts into pairs and ask them lớn look again at the food vocabulary on page 147. Ask them lớn divide the kinds of food into those that are healthy and those that are unhealthy. Discuss their answers as a class, focusing especially on any kinds of food they have different opinions about. 1 Read the questions with the class and kiểm tra that sts understand be on a diet. Sts discuss the questions in pairs. Get feedback on their answers and teach the word calories. 2 A Read out the question, and then ask sts lớn read the text quickly lớn find the answer. Point out that they can skim the text, as they are reading, lớn understand the general meaning. Check students understand what the 5:2 diet is, and then discuss as a class whether sts think it is a good idea. Answer You eat normally for five days a week, and are on a diet for two days a week. B Read through the chart with the class and make sure sts understand the headings. Sts then read the text again and complete the chart with the foods. Check answers. Check that sts understand all the foods that Gary mentions, but don’t focus too much on the containers and portions at this stage. Ask: Do you think Gary has a healthy diet on his “normal” days? Why/Why not? Elicit a range of answers. Answers Vegetables Fruit Meat Dairy products Drinks Other food Five days a week peas beef butter, milk six cups of coffee, a carton of juice, three bottles of cola two eggs, three slices of toast, a few cookies, a bag of nuts, two sandwiches, a small bag of potato chips, pasta, tomato sauce, sugar Two days a week salad, cabbage an hãng apple, an orange, a few grapes chicken a cup of coffee with no milk, water a slice of toast with no butter 3 A Sts look at the pictures and label the items with the correct words from the text. Check answers, and kiểm tra that sts understand all the words for containers and portions. Answers b a cup of coffee c a bag of nuts d a bag of potato chips e a carton of (orange) juice f a bottle of cola 3 x PRACTICE SB page 62, exercise 3 1 Do the exercise as normal. To kiểm tra answers, read out each answer in turn, including some incorrect ones, e., a carton of nuts. Ask: Is this right or wrong? Who has a different answer? What other things can you buy in bags/cartons, etc? 2 Ask sts lớn cover page 62. Write the words for the food items (but not the containers or portions) on the board. Sts work in pairs and try lớn remember the container or portion for each food item. They can look at the text again lớn kiểm tra. 3 Ask sts lớn close their books. Write the words for the containers on the board. Sts work in pairs. They take turns choosing one of the containers or portions. Their partner must say a phrase using a suitable food. Sts can use their own ideas for foods, as well as the ones in the text. 7C Are you hungry? Sts read about the 5:2 diet that a lot of people use lớn lose weight. Then they discuss what foods they usually eat, and how healthy their diet is. Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Communication Quantifiers (how) much, (how) many, a lot of, a few, a little Containers and portions (bag, bar, bottle, bowl, box, can, carton, cup, glass, jar, packet, piece, slice, spoonful) Weak size of Talking about your diet
####### 7C
B Sts cover page 62 and discuss the questions in pairs. Sts can look at the text again lớn kiểm tra their answers. Ask: Who in each pair remembered the most? Go lớn Vocabulary practice: containers and portions, SB page 148/TB page 309 Sts will find more language presentation and practice for containers and portions here. Do these exercises with the class, or mix them for homework, before continuing with exercise 4A of lesson 7C. Remind sts lớn go lớn the tiện ích for further self-study vocabulary practice of containers and portions. 4 A 7 Read out the question, and then play audio track 7. See TB page 361 for audio script. Sts listen and answer the question. Check the answer. Answer It’s a “2” day. B 7 Allow sts time lớn read through the fill-in-the- blank sentences and questions. Play the audio again for sts to listen and complete them. Check answers. Answers 1 toast 2 fruit 3 milk 4 cups 5 meat, cookies 6 cookies 5 A Sts look at exercise 4B again and complete the sentences. They could work in pairs. Check answers. Answers 1 many 2 much 3 a lot of 4 (not) much, (not) many B Read out each question and elicit the answers, referring sts back lớn the sentences in exercise 4 for help. Answers a large amount = a lot of a small amount = a little a small number = a few Grammar Read the Grammar box with sts about quantifiers. Point out that we use a lot of, a little, and a few in affirmative sentences, and we use much and many in negative sentences and questions. Point out that we use a lot of with both countable and uncountable nouns. Elicit that we use much and a little with uncountable nouns and many and a few with countable nouns. Ask questions to check concept. Concept kiểm tra questions: A lot of apples – a large number or a small number? (a large number). A few oranges – large or small number? (small number). A little beef – large amount or small amount? (small amount). A little milk or a few milk? Why? (a little milk – we use a little with uncountable nouns). I don’t eat much chocolate or I don’t eat many chocolate? Why? (much – we use much with uncountable nouns). I eat many cookies – correct? (no
- we only use much/many in negative sentences and questions). Go lớn Grammar practice: quantifiers, (how) much, (how) many, a lot of, a few, a little, SB page 125/TB page 263. Sts will find more language reference, presentation, and practice for quantifiers here. Do these exercises with the class, or mix them for homework, before continuing with exercise 6A of lesson 7C. Remind sts lớn go lớn the tiện ích for further self-study grammar practice of quantifiers. 6 A 7 Allow sts time lớn read through the sentences. Play audio track 7. See the SB page opposite for audio script. Sts listen and repeat the sentences. Point out that of is unstressed, ví it is pronounced with a weak vowel /əv/. B 7 Sts work in pairs and practice saying the sentences, paying attention lớn the pronunciation of the weak size of of. Play audio track 7 for sts lớn listen and check, and then play it again for them lớn listen and repeat. See the SB page opposite for audio script. 7 A Sts read the questions and complete them with the correct words. Check answers. Answers 1 How much 2 How much 3 How many 4 How many 5 How much 6 How many B Sts ask and answer the questions in pairs. Ask some sts to tell the class the biggest difference between them and their partner. Go lớn Communication practice Divide the class into Student A and Student B. All “Student A” sts should go lớn SB page 163. All “Student B” sts should go lớn SB page 172. Go lớn TB page 339 for the teacher notes. Do the activity, and then continue with exercise 8A of lesson 7C. 8 A Focus on the scale and make sure sts understand junk food lover and healthy eater. Refer sts back lớn Gary and ask: What score would you give him on the scale? Why? Elicit a few answers. Sts then give themselves a score for how healthy their diet is. B Ask two confident sts lớn read out the example answer. Sts then work in pairs lớn compare their typical daily diets. Ask some sts lớn tell the class what is similar and different about their diet and their partner’s. PERSONAL BEST Sts can practice talking about food and using quantifiers further. They plan a new diet lớn help people be healthier. Ask them lớn think about different kinds of food and drink, and how much of each thing people should eat each day or week. Sts can compare their diet plans in small groups. Weaker sts could think about their discussions in exercise 8B and write three sentences recommending changes their partner could make lớn their diet lớn make it healthier. Sts can discuss their sentences in pairs. Ask who agrees with their partner’s suggestions.
140 64 77 SKILLSSKILLS Learning Curve SPEAKING in a restaurant ■ asking politely for something Reserving a table: Do you have a table for ... please? It’s for ... people. Arriving at a restaurant: We have a table reserved in the name of ... Ordering food: I’d lượt thích the (chicken), please. I’ll have ... Could/Can I have ...? The same for má, please./Me too. Paying the check: Could/Can we have the kiểm tra, please? Conversation builder in a restaurant 4 A Read the Conversation builder and complete the mini-conversations. Waiter Hello, Harry’s Restaurant. How can I help? Dimitri 1 Saturday for lunch, please? Dimitri Hello. 2 Aristov. Waiter No problem. Follow má, please. Waiter Would you lượt thích a starter? Dimitri Yes. 3 the vegetable soup, please. Waiter And for you? Svetlana 4 the five-bean salad, please? Svetlana 5 , please? Waiter Would you lượt thích lớn pay by cash or credit card? Svetlana By thẻ. B In groups of three, practice saying the conversations. Take turns being the waiter, Dimitri, and Svetlana. 2 A 7 Watch or listen lớn the first part of Learning Curve. Which activity in exercise 1 bởi you see or hear? B 7 Watch or listen again and answer the questions below. 1 What is the name of Jack and Lance’s restaurant? 3 What day and time does Simon want lớn reserve a table for? 2 Why is the restaurant called this? 4 How many people does he want the table for? 3 7 Now watch or listen lớn the second part of the show. Who orders the following food and drink? Write K (Kate) or S (Simon). 1 small salad 2 chicken soup 3 goulash with rice 4 chicken 5 chips, peas, and carrots 6 chocolate ice cream 7 a cup of tea a c b d
####### 7D Out for dinner
1 Look at pictures a–d. In which pictures are the people: 1 asking for the check? 2 ordering food? 3 arriving at a restaurant? 4 reserving a table? d EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 41
142 65 SKILLS 65 SKILLS Personal Best Plan a thực đơn for your ideal restaurant. Describe it. in a restaurant ■ asking politely for something SPEAKING 7D7D It’s important lớn use polite forms when you ask for something. Instead of I want, use I’d lượt thích, Can I have ...? or Could I have ...? I’d lượt thích a cup of coffee. Could I have a large orange juice, please? Can we have three slices of cake? Use polite intonation, too. Skill asking politely for something 6 A 7 Read the Skill box. Listen lớn three situations. Which customer is more polite, a or b? 1 2 3 B Take turns asking and answering the waiter’s questions politely. Use the food items and drinks below or your own ideas. Go lớn Communication practice: Student A page 163, Student B page 172 7 A PREPARE Look at the thực đơn. Decide when you want lớn go there for a meal, with how many people, and what you would lượt thích lớn eat. B PRACTICE Decide who the waiter is and who the customer is. CUSTOMER: Call the restaurant lớn reserve a table. Arrive at the restaurant, order your food, and ask for the kiểm tra. WAITER: Take the telephone reservation. Welcome the customers lớn the restaurant, take their order, and give them the kiểm tra. C PERSONAL BEST Exchange roles and repeat the conversation. Is it easier lớn be the waiter or the customer? Why? Are you ready lớn order your Would you lượt thích a starter? Can I get you any drinks? Anything else? main course now? French onion soup fish and chips avocado salad bread olives bottle of mineral water glass of orange juice STARTERS Tomato soup, Garlic mushrooms, Bean and pasta salad MAIN COURSES Roast beef, Fish of the day, Fried chicken All served with seasonal vegetables and a choice of French fries, boiled potatoes, or rice. DESSERTS Chocolate cake, Local cheeses, Fresh fruit, Ice cream (choice of flavors) 5 7 Watch or listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Kate doesn’t want or in her starter. 2 Jack’s goulash has , , vegetables, and spices in it. 3 Jack wants lớn have scoops of. 4 Kate wants lớn pay by , but Simon wants lớn pay by. 5 Jack says that the meals are “on the ” – it means Simon and Kate don’t need lớn pay. 65 EXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 41
####### SKILLS 7D
5 7 Sts read through the fill-in-the-blank sentences. Play video/audio track 7 again for sts lớn watch/listen and complete the sentences with the correct words. Check answers. Answers 1 cucumber, onions 2 meat, tomatoes 3 three, ice cream 4 cash, credit card 5 house Skill Read through the Skill box with the class about asking politely for something. Model the polite intonation for them. 6 A 7 Play audio track 7. See below for audio script. Sts listen and decide which customer is more polite in each case. Check answers with the class, playing the audio track again for sts lớn hear the polite customer again. You could get sts lớn repeat the polite sentences, copying the intonation and stress patterns on the audio track. 7 Audio script 1 A: I want a cup of coffee. B: I’d lượt thích a cup of coffee, please. 2 A: Can I have a large cola, please? B: Give má a large cola. 3 A: Two glasses of hãng apple juice and some water. B: Could we have two glasses of hãng apple juice and some water? Thanks. Answers 1 b 2 a 3 b B Read through the food and drink items with the class and pre-teach if necessary. Point out that fish and chips is the name of a typical dish, but that in general fried potatoes are fries or French fries in American English. Encourage sts lớn use their own ideas instead, if they prefer. Sts work in pairs and take turns being the customer and answering the waiter’s questions politely. Encourage them lớn practice more kêu ca once, ví they become more fluent. Go lớn Communication practice Divide the class into Student A and Student B. All “Student A” sts should go lớn SB page 163. All “Student B” sts should go lớn SB page 172. Go lớn TB page 339 for the teacher notes. Do the activity, and then continue with exercise 7 of lesson 7D. 7 Sts follow the steps lớn have a conversation in a restaurant. A PREPARE Allow sts time lớn read through the thực đơn. Make sure they understand everything. Sts decide when they want lớn go there for a meal, and how many people they will be with. B PRACTICE Sts work in pairs and decide which role they will each have. Allow them time lớn read the situation, and make sure they understand everything. Remind sts lớn use phrases from the Conversation builder box, and encourage them lớn use phrases from the Skill box lớn sound polite. When they practice the phone điện thoại tư vấn, they could sit back lớn back in pairs, lớn make it more realistic. C PERSONAL BEST Sts switch roles and practice again. Get feedback from sts on which role they felt was easier, and why. PERSONAL BEST Sts can practice vocabulary for food further. They work individually and plan a thực đơn for their ideal restaurant. They then describe their thực đơn lớn each other in pairs. Weaker sts could work in pairs and make four or five changes lớn the thực đơn in exercise 7, using their own ideas. Put pairs together into groups of four lớn describe their menus lớn each other. EXTRA PRACTICE Put sts into groups of three. Two sts can use their new menus from the Personal Best activity lớn role play a new conversation between a waiter and a customer. They could stand up and act out the scene as they speak. The third student uses their phone lớn record the other two. Sts can switch roles and practice again. Watching themselves on đoạn Clip will help sts to evaluate how well they can giảm giá with reserving a table and ordering food in a restaurant.
In the past 8 UNIT
####### LANGUAGE 8A
UNIT 8 OVERVIEW: The focus of this unit is talking about the past, and past events. Sts read a text about technology through the ages. Then they watch/listen lớn people talking about past inventions. Next, they read about a family that decided lớn live lượt thích a family in the 1980s, and practice talking about things that they did in the past. They finish by reading an tài khoản of a disastrous job interview and writing an tài khoản of something interesting or unusual that happened lớn them in the past. WARMER Ask: What bởi you know about life in the 1960s? In what ways was it different? Elicit a few ideas, and then ask sts lớn work in pairs and note down five ways in which life was different in the 1960s. Ask pairs lớn tell the class their ideas. If they mention technology, write the names of the items they mention on the board and teach the word technology. If they don’t mention these things, introduce the idea, and ask: What kinds of technology did people NOT have in the 1960s? 1 Read through the words in the box with the class and pre-teach if necessary. Sts work in pairs and label the inventions. Discuss as a class which of the inventions sts have in their homes. Answers a TV b điện thoại thông minh c đoạn Clip player d digital camera e microwave f CD player 3 x PRACTICE SB page 66, exercise 1 1 Do the exercise as normal. Before you kiểm tra the answers, read out each word from the box one by one and ask: Which picture? Elicit answers and encourage sts lớn discuss any differences of opinion. Give the correct answer, and then model pronunciation and get sts lớn repeat the word. 2 Ask sts lớn cover the box. In pairs, they look at the pictures and try lớn remember the words from memory. They can look at the words in the box again lớn kiểm tra. 3 Do the exercises in the Vocabulary practice section on page 149 with the class. In pairs, sts take turns miming one of the inventions, and their partner must guess it. Encourage them lớn practice until they can remember and say all the words quickly. Go lớn Vocabulary practice: inventions, SB page 149/TB page 311. Sts will find more language presentation and practice for inventions here. Do these exercises with the class, or set them for homework, before continuing with exercise 2 of lesson 8A. Remind sts lớn go lớn the tiện ích for further self-study vocabulary practice of inventions. 2 Allow sts time lớn prepare their ideas. Brainstorm some more ways of saying that something is important lớn you, e., I really need my ..., I depend on my .... Sts work in pairs and tell their partner what inventions are important to them. Encourage them lớn give reasons. 3 A Sts discuss in pairs. Encourage them lớn speculate and guess if they don’t know. Don’t confirm answers yet. B Sts read the text lớn kiểm tra their ideas. Check answers and ask sts what they found most surprising in the text. Answers washing machine – 1960s telephone – 1960s radio – 1930s the Internet – 1990s black-and-white TV – 1960s CD player – 1990s vacuum cleaner – 1960s freezer – 1960s 8A Technology through the ages Sts read a text about technology in the 1930s, 1960s and 1990s. Then they practice talking about the kinds of technology they had when they were young. Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Communication Past of be; simple past: irregular verbs Inventions (black-and-white TV, cassette player, CD player, clothes dryer, color TV, digital camera, dishwasher, DVD player, freezer, fridge, GPS, máy tính, microwave, điện thoại thông minh, toaster, vacuum cleaner, đoạn Clip player, washing machine) was and were Talking about technology when you were young LANGUAGE Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Past of be; simple past: irregular verbs; simple past: regular verbs and past time expressions Inventions; life stages was and were; -ed endings SKILLS Listening Writing Listening for numbers, dates and prices Planning and making notes; sequencers
146146 EXTRA PRACTICEEXTRA PRACTICE Workbook page 00; photocopiable activity 8A GrammarWorkbook page 44; photocopiable activity 8A Grammar Personal Best 67 past of be ■ simple past: irregular verbs ■ inventions LANGUAGE 7A8A Think about your house when you were a child. Write about the gadgets and inventions you had. 4 A Complete the sentences from the text with the correct size of be. 1 My first house very different from my parents’ house. 2 In the 1930s, life at trang chủ easy. 3 We ví excited! 4 TVs and other electrical items expensive. 5 There a lot of technology. 6 There many channels. B Answer the questions. Then read the Grammar box. 1 Which are the two affirmative past forms of be? and 2 What are the negative forms? and 3 What are the past forms of there is and there are? and A lot of verbs have an irregular simple past affirmative size. You need lớn learn them. Affirmative: Negative: In the 1930s, I read a lot of books. We didn’t make many phone calls. We had a computer. I didn’t go there much. Grammar simple past: irregular verbs Affirmative: Negative: Past of there is and there are: I was two years old in 1934. I wasn’t alive in 1930. There was a TV in our living room. You were a child in the 1960s. You weren’t an adult. There was no private telephone in our house. Life was difficult in the past. It wasn’t easy. There were a lot of TV programs. We were happy. My parents weren’t rich. There weren’t many TV channels. Grammar past of be, there was/there were Go lớn Grammar practice: past of be, there was/there were, page 126 5 8 Pronunciation: was and were Listen and repeat the sentences. Which verb forms are stressed: affirmative or negative? 1 The TV was in the living room. 2 There wasn’t much không tính tiền time. 3 There were two bedrooms and a bathroom. 4 Things were very different. 5 Dishwashers weren’t in every trang chủ. 6 There weren’t many cars. 6 A Look again at the text. Find the affirmative simple past size of these verbs. 1 have 2 read 3 buy 4 get B Find the negative simple past size of these verbs from the text. Which verb size bởi we use after didn’t? Then read the Grammar box. 1 have 2 make 3 use Go lớn Grammar practice: simple past: irregular verbs, page 126 7 A 8 Complete the text with the simple past size of the verbs in the box. Listen and kiểm tra. buy (×2) have not use not have In the 1990s, I 1 a cell phone, but I 2 a digital camera. I 3 a digital camera in 2001, but then, in 2005, I 4 a điện thoại thông minh, ví I 5 my digital camera after that. B Tell your partner about yourself. Use the prompts. Go lớn Communication practice: Student A page 163, Student B page 172 8 Talk about your parents/grandparents when they were young. What did/didn’t they have in their homes? In the 1990s/2000s, I had a ... I didn’t have a ... I bought a ... I used ...