I could easily name many who were nominated by the party to stand in winnable seats even though they were still wet behind the ears.
Windows 10 is still wet behind the ears, and driver iterations can make a big difference at this time.
I was really wet behind the ears then.
It strikes me as people wet behind the ears not knowing how the world is supposed to work and sometimes the world needs people like that.
And we especially have to protect players that feel isolated against those developments just because they are no longer wet behind the ears in playing terms.
In fact, it may be in its infancy, and we are merely witnessing the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end.
While this concept is in its infancy, we hope to contribute time to the community for the years to come through our corporate volunteering.
The market is in its infancy but it's ready to grow.
The field of machine ethics is in its infancy.
The exploration is understood to be in its infancy, with much more expected to be uncovered over the coming weeks.