Section A
The disappointing results of many conventional road transport projects in Africa led some experts lớn rethink the strategy by which rural transport problems were lớn be tackled at the beginning of the 1980s. A request for help in improving the availability of transport within the remote Makete District of southwestern Tanzania presented the opportunity lớn try a new approach.
The concept of 'integrated rural transport' was adopted in the task of examining the transport needs of the rural households in the district. The objective was lớn reduce the time and effort needed lớn obtain access lớn essential goods and services through an improved rural transport system. The underlying assumption was that the time saved would be used instead for activities that would improve the social and economic development of the communities. The Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project (MIRTP) started in 1985 with financial tư vấn from the Swiss Development Corporation and was co-ordinated with the help of the Tanzanian government.
Section B
When the project began, Makete District was virtually totally isolated during the rainy season.The regional road was in such bad shape that access lớn the main towns was impossible for about three months of the year Road traffic was extremely rare within the district, and alternative means of transport were restricted to donkeys in the north of the district. People relied primarily on the paths, which were slippery and dangerous during the rains.
Before solutions could be proposed, the problems had lớn be understood. Little was known about the transport demands of the rural households, so Phase I, between December 1985 and December 1987, focused on research.The socio-economic survey of more than vãn 400 households in the district indicated that a household in Makete spent, on average, seven hours a day on transporting themselves and their goods, a figure which seemed extreme but which has also been obtained in surveys in other rural areas in Africa. Interesting facts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related lớn the collection of water and firewood and travelling lớn grinding mills.
Section C
Having determined the main transport needs, possible solutions were identified which might reduce the time and burden. During Phase II, from January lớn February 1991, a number of approaches were implemented in an effort lớn improve mobility and access lớn transport.
An improvement of the road network was considered necessary lớn ensure the import and export of goods lớn the district.These improvements were carried out using methods that were heavily dependent on labour In addition lớn the improvement of roads, these methods provided training in the operation of a mechanical workshop and bus and truck services. However the difference from the conventional approach was that this time consideration was given lớn local transport needs outside the road network.
Most goods were transported along the paths that provide short-cuts up and down the hillsides, but the paths were a real safety risk and made the journey on foot even more arduous. It made sense lớn improve the paths by building steps, handrails and footbridges.
It was uncommon lớn find means of transport that were more efficient than vãn walking but less technologically advanced than vãn motor vehicles. The use of bicycles was constrained by their high cost and the lack of available spare parts. Oxen were not used at all but donkeys were used by a few households in the northern part of the district. MIRTP focused on what would be most appropriate for the inhabitants of Makete in terms of what was available, how much they could afford and what they were willing lớn accept.
After careful consideration, the project chose the promotion of donkeys - a donkey costs less than vãn a bicycle - and the introduction of a locally manufacturable wheelbarrow.
Section D
At the kết thúc of Phase II, it was clear that the selected approaches lớn Makete’s transport problems had had different degrees of success. Phase III, from March 1991 lớn March 1993, focused on the refinement and institutionalisation of these activities.
The road improvements and accompanying maintenance system had helped make the district centre accessible throughout the year. Essential goods from outside the district had become more readily available at the market, and prices did not fluctuate as much as they had done before.
Paths and secondary roads were improved only at the request of communities who were willing lớn participate in construction and maintenance. However the improved paths impressed the inhabitants, and requests for assistance greatly increased soon after only a few improvements had been completed.
The efforts lớn improve the efficiency of the existing transport services were not very successful because most of the motorised vehicles in the district broke down and there were no resources lớn repair them. Even the introduction of low-cost means of transport was difficult because of the general poverty of the district.The locally manufactured wheelbarrows were still too expensive for all but a few of the households. Modifications lớn the original design by local carpenters cut production time and costs. Other local carpenters have been trained in the new design so sánh that they can respond lớn requests. Nevertheless, a locally produced wooden wheelbarrow which costs around 5000 Tanzanian shillings (less than vãn US$20) in Makete, and is about one quarter the cost of a metal wheelbarrow, is still too expensive for most people.
Donkeys, which were imported lớn the district, have become more common and contribute, in particular, lớn the transportation of crops and goods lớn market. Those who have bought donkeys are mainly from richer households but, with an increased supply through local breeding, donkeys should become more affordable. Meanwhile, local initiatives are promoting the renting out of the existing donkeys.
It should be noted, however, that a donkey, which at đôi mươi,000 Tanzanian shillings costs less than vãn a bicycle, is still an investment equal lớn an average household's income over half a year This clearly illustrates the need for supplementary measures if one wants lớn assist the rural poor
Section E
It would have been easy lớn criticise the MIRTP for using in the early phases a 'top-down' approach, in which decisions were made by experts and officials before being handed down lớn communities, but it was necessary lớn start the process from the level of the governmental authorities of the district. It would have been difficult lớn respond lớn the requests of villagers and other rural inhabitants without the tư vấn and understanding of district authorities.
Section F
Today, nobody in the district argues about the importance of improved paths and inexpensive means of transport. But this is the result of dedicated work over a long period, particularly from the officers in charge of community development. They played an essential role in raising awareness and interest among the rural communities.
The concept of integrated rural transport is now well established in Tanzania, where a major program of rural transport is just about lớn start.The experiences from Makete will help in this initiative, and Makete District will act as a reference for future work.
Questions 1-4
Reading Passage has six sections, A-F.
Choose the correct heading for sections B, C, E and F from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i MIRTP as a future model
ii Identifying the main transport problems
iii Preference for motorised vehicles
iv Government authorities’ instructions
v Initial improvements in mobility and transport modes
vi Request for improved transport in Makete
vii Transport improvements in the northern part of the district
viii Improvements in the rail network
ix Effects of initial XiaoMi MI RTP measures
x Co-operation of district officials
xi Role of wheelbarrows and donkeys
Example |
Answer |
Section A |
vi |
1 Section B
Answer: ii Locate
2 Section C
Answer: v Locate
Example |
Answer |
Section D |
ix |
3 Section E
Answer: x Locate
4 Section F
Answer: i Locate
Questions 5-9
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage?
In boxes 5-9 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible lớn say what the writer thinks about this
5 MIRTP was divided into five phases.
Answer: NO Locate
6 Prior lớn the start of MIRTP the Makete district was almost inaccessible during the rainy season.
Answer: YES Locate
7 Phase I of MIRTP consisted of a survey of household expenditure on transport.
Answer: NO Locate
8 The survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local area.
Answer: YES Locate
9 MIRTP hoped lớn improve the movement of goods from Makete district lớn the country’s capital.
Questions 10-13
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-J, below.
Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.
10 Construction of footbridges, steps and handrails
Answer: D Locate
11 Frequent breakdown of buses and trucks in Makete
Answer: I Locate
12 The improvement of secondary roads and paths
Answer: G Locate
13 The isolation of Makete for part of the year
Answer: E Locate
A |
provided the people of Makete with experience in running bus and truck services. |
B |
was especially successful in the northern part of the district. |
C |
differed from earlier phases in that the community became less actively involved. |
D |
improved paths used for transport up and down hillsides. |
E |
was no longer a problem once the roads had been improved. |
F |
cost less than vãn locally made wheelbarrows. |
G |
was done only at the request of local people who were willing lớn lend a hand. |
H |
was at first considered by MIRTP lớn be affordable for the people of the district. |
I |
hindered attempts lớn make the existing transport services more efficient. |
J |
was thought lớn be the most important objective of Phase III. |
Questions 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in box 14 on your answer sheet.
Which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of Reading Passage?
A lớn suggest that projects such as MIRTP are needed in other countries
B lớn describe how MIRTP was implemented and how successful it was
C lớn examine how MIRTP promoted the use of donkeys
D lớn warn that projects such as MIRTP are likely lớn have serious problems
Answer: B