[LỜI GIẢI] The manager requested that all staffpresent at the meeting - Tự Học 365


Câu căn vặn liên quan

  • There can be no doubt that recent statements the company's t

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet vĩ đại indicate the correct answer vĩ đại each of the questions.

    There can be no doubt that recent statements______ the company's true financial position were misleading.

  • Please ensure that all outstanding debts are cleared within

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet vĩ đại indicate the correct answer vĩ đại each of the questions.

    Please ensure that all outstanding debts are cleared within days of________ of this notification, otherwise legal action will follow.

  • We are all aware of our secretary's plan

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet vĩ đại indicate the correct answer vĩ đại each of the questions.

    We are all aware of our secretary's________ plan.

  • -57

  • -55

  • -53

  • The company's art will be sold at a special auction

    Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet vĩ đại indicate the correct answer vĩ đại each of the questions.

    The company's art_______ will be sold at a special auction.

  • -51

  • -58

  • -60