LEXICO GRAMMAR 1. Environmental pollution has many species to the verge of extinction. A.


Chí Khải Nguyễn


1. Environmental pollution has **driven** many species to tướng the verge of extinction.  

  A. sent  

  B. thrown  

  C. brought  

  D. driven

2. Luggage may be placed here **at** the owner’s risk.  

  A. by  

  B. under  

  C. with  

  D. at

3. Cable TV revolutionized communications; **nevertheless**, the very existence of that service is now threatened by satellites.  

  A. moreover  

  B. consequently  

  C. eventually  

  D. nevertheless

4. Helen was **bitterly** disappointed when she learnt that she hadn’t won the beauty contest.  

  A. seriously  

  B. bitterly  

  C. strongly  

  D. heavily

5. If he tries to tướng **plead** ignorance as his excuse, just tell him we’ve got a copy of the authorization with his signature on it.  

  A. defend  

  B. plead  

  C. pretend  

  D. protest

6. John: “Our teacher, Mr. Jones, is not very flexible. He always requires us to tướng submit his assignments on time.”  

  Jack: “**I can’t agree with you more**. He should know that we have to tướng learn many subjects.”  

  A. I can’t disagree with you more  

  B. I can’t agree with you more  

  C. That can be true  

  D. I am not with you here

7. It was **something** of a surprise to tướng Andrew that he got the job.  

  A. rather  

  B. something  

  C. quite  

  D. much

8. The more expensive carpet is a good choice **in that** it will last longer.  

  A. by means of  

  B. due to  

  C. in that  

  D. in view of

9. It was decided that the cost of the project would be **prohibitive** and so sánh it was abandoned.  

  A. repressive  

  B. prohibitive  

  C. restrictive  

  D. exclusive

10. I left the company by **choice**, not because I was forced to tướng.  

  A. choice  

  B. option  

  C. selection  

  D. preference

11. When will it **dawn** on you that I am right and you're wrong?  

  A. descend  

  B. come  

  C. dawn  

  D. arise

12. Living by the ocean really **gets in your blood**. Once you've lived there, you never want to tướng leave.  

  A. came in - heart  

  B. get in - heart  

  C. get in - blood  

  D. came in - blood

13. Sam has always taken the **view** that there is more to tướng life phàn nàn money.  

  A. outlook  

  B. view  

  C. belief  

  D. opinion

14. I wrote to tướng them a fortnight ago but I haven't had a reply **as yet**.  

  A. as yet  

  B. these days  

  C. so sánh long  

  D. just now

15. Wait a minute, there is an answer from the Federal Bureau with **regard** to tướng your previous inquiry.  

  A. consideration  

  B. reflection  

  C. attention  

  D. regard

16. Tamara has phối her **heart** on becoming a ballet dancer.  

  A. feet  

  B. brain  

  C. head  

  D. heart

17. "I think we ought to tướng see the rest of the exhibition as quickly as we can, **given** that it closes in half an hour."  

  A. granted  

  B. assuming  

  C. given  

  D. knowing

18. Several passengers received minor injuries when the train unexpectedly came to tướng a **halt**.  

  A. delay  

  B. stand  

  C. brake  

  D. halt

19. I'm so sánh **snowed** under with work at the moment - it's awful!  

  A. snowed  

  B. iced  

  C. rained  

  D. fogged

20. A good newspaper story must come **to the point** and save the details for later.  

  A. to tướng date  

  B. to tướng the good  

  C. to tướng the point  

  D. to tướng the bone

Complete each sentence with one suitable particle or preposition. Write your answer in the box provided.

21. He has **a** fixation **on** becoming the best teacher in this area.

22. The teacher was deaf **to** Nick's explanation of why he hadn't done his homework.

23. He lost his job **through** no fault of his own.

24. You must tài khoản **to** the manager for the money you used.

25. A lion has escaped and is **at** large in the đô thị.

26. Danny wished his father could stay **for** months **of the** good, but the man still had a few months of military service to tướng tự.

27. The workers were rather cynical after the meeting. Most of them were **under** no illusion that the management would take their complaints seriously.

28. These students are picked **from** no less phàn nàn 50 applicants for the scholarship.

29. Ordering other people in the family **around** lượt thích a commander seems to tướng lập cập in his blood as he was in the army for ten years.

30. Buyers **priced out of** Thủ đô New York City are heading for the burbs, driving up demand in places with 30. Buyers **priced out of** places with Thủ đô New York City are heading for the burbs, driving up demand in places with reputations for good schools and lively downtowns.


Write the correct khuông of the words given in the brackets. Write your answers in the spaces provided below.

The (31. **CONCEPTION**) **conception** of "rhetoric", or effective public speaking, dates back thousands of years. The underlying (32. **ASSUMPTION**) **assumption** behind rhetoric is that how you present an argument can greatly influence whether people are persuaded by you or not.The (33. **DOUBTLESS**) **doubtless** evidence to tướng tư vấn this idea - it's practically (34. **UNTHINKABLE**) **unthinkable**, for example, for a successful politician to tướng be a poor communicator - but is it just a question of style winning over substance? Certainly, it is often said of politicians that they talk complete (35. **NONSENSE**) **nonsense**, but what they say with such (36. **CONVICTION**) **conviction** that we tend to tướng believe them, at least when they're in opposition. On the other hand, (37. **WISDOM**) **wisdom** and knowledge are of little value if you cannot communicate them effectively to tướng your peers or to tướng the next generation. It is the combination of clear (38. **REASONING**) **reasoning**, sound (39. **JUDGMENT**) **judgment**, and effective presentation and communication skills that define true rhetoric. A true rhetorician should always come across as knowledgeable, and never as (40. **OPINIONATED**) **opinionated** or ignorant.

**QUESTION 41-50**

The most radical thing we have ever done is not have a TV in our house. Since 99.1 percent of American (41) **households** cannot make this claim, it may be (42) **of** some interest to tướng know why. Certainly, our (43) **lack** of television has created (44) **great** curiosity, puzzlement, and anger (45) **among** the people we know, and I suspect even more of these (46) **opinions** behind our backs. "If the Wetherells can get (47) **by** without a TV, why can't we?"

We did have a television during the first days of our marriage. I remember the dizzy way the (48) **images** flickered across the screen. A few days later, after I (49) **recovered** my senses, we took the phối to tướng our local dump, (50) **shook** hands in satisfaction, and have been without one ever since.

41. **households**

42. **of**

43. **lack**

44. **great**

45. **among**

46. **opinions**

47. **by**

48. **images**

49. **recovered**

50. **shook**

**QUESTION 51-60**

Read the following text and fill in the blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Overland transport in the United States was still extremely primitive in 1790. Roads were few and short, usually extending from inland communities to tướng the nearest river town or seaport. (51) **Almost** all interstate commerce was carried out by sailing ships that served the bays and harbors of the seaboard. Yet, in 1790 the nation was on the threshold of a new era of road development. (52) **Unable** to tướng finance road construction, states (53) **turned** to tướng private companies, organized by speculators who had a personal interest in improved communications (54) **with** the interior. The pioneer in this move was the state of Pennsylvania, which chartered a company in 1792 to tướng construct a turnpike, a road for the use of (55) **which** a toll, or payment, is collected, from Philadelphia to tướng Lancaster. The legislature (56) **gave** the company the authority to tướng erect tollgates at (57) **intervals** along the road where payment would be collected, though it carefully regulated the rates. (The states had unquestioned authority to tướng regulate private business in this period.)

The company built a gravel road (58) **in** two years, and the success of the Lancaster Pike encouraged imitation. Northern states generally relied on private companies to tướng (59) **build** their toll roads, but Virginia constructed a network at public expense. (60) **Such** was the road building fever that by 1810 Thủ đô New York alone had some 1,500 miles of turnpikes extending from the Atlantic to tướng Lake Erie.

51. **Almost**

52. **Unable**

53. **turned**

54. **with**

55. **which**

56. **gave**

57. **intervals**

58. **in**

59. **build**

60. **Such**


The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the Arctic Ocean. It stretches southward across the largest and northernmost state in the United States, ending at a remote ice-free seaport village nearly 800 miles from where it begins. It is massive in size and extremely complicated to tướng operate.

The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of delicate tundra that tops the frozen ground. It weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheer mountains, plunges over rocky areas, makes its way through thick forests, and passes over or under hundreds of rivers and streams. The pipe is 4 feet in diameter, and up to tướng 2 million barrels (or 84 million gallons) of crude oil can be pumped through it daily.

Resting on H-shaped steel racks called "bents," long sections of the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above the frozen earth. Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or rocky ground and return to tướng the surface later on. The pattern of the pipeline's up-and-down route is determined by the often harsh demands of the arctic and subarctic climate, the tortuous lắc of the land, and the varied compositions of soil, rock, or permafrost (permanently frozen ground). A little more phàn nàn half of the pipeline is elevated above the ground. The remainder is buried anywhere from 3 to tướng 12 feet, depending largely upon the type of terrain and the properties of the soil.

One of the largest in the world, the pipeline cost approximately $8 billion and is by far the biggest and most expensive construction project ever undertaken by private industry. In fact, no single business could raise that much money, so sánh eight major oil companies formed a consortium in order to tướng share the costs. Each company controlled oil rights to tướng particular shares of land in the oil fields and paid into the pipeline-construction fund according to tướng the size of its holdings. Today, despite enormous problems of climate, supply shortages, equipment breakdowns, labor disagreements, treacherous terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even theft, the Alaska pipeline has been completed and is operating.

61. The passage primarily discusses the pipeline's...  

  **D. construction**

62. The word "it" in line 3 refers to tướng...  

  **A. pipeline**

63. According to tướng the passage, 84 million gallons of oil can travel through the pipeline...  

  **A. day**

64. The phrase "Resting on" in line 10 is closest in meaning to tướng...  

  **B. supported by**

65. The author mentions all of the following as important in determining the pipeline's route EXCEPT the...  

  **C. local vegetation**