
  • 10,000
  • Tác giả: admin
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  • Tình trạng: Còn hàng

At their most elaborate these would be combined in the gymnastic mode.

There are dancers who can do the gymnastic techniques, but do not dance with competence.

These exercises were not aiming at the interpretation of a text, or at the rhythm and clarity of diction; they simply looked more like gymnastic movements.

I respectfully suggest that it is impossible to have gymnastic exercises in rhetoric of that description.

The others are gymnastic activities, athletic activities, swimming, dance, and outdoor and adventure activities.

As regards the second part, airmen on entry are supplied with gymnastic clothing free.

We want a good deal more facilities for gymnastic exercises and opportunities for indoor sport.

The tax on gymnastic equipment is very heavy.

The total cost, including gymnastic equipment, will be about £26,000.

Can we find a better than the traditional sort and that has two divisions—gymnastic for the body and music for the soul?

I think we must consider to what extent the majority of patients in any given institution would be capable of using gymnastic appliances.

It is not a gymnastic which should be performed at this hour of the evening.

It means games, the use of gymnastic and other appliances and, wherever available, it means swimming.

In the absence of a gymnasium, school halls have in many cases been equipped for gymnastic work.

From going aloft five or six times a day, one was athletic, and used to gymnastic type of performance.

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