Describe an ideal house - Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2


Trong nội dung bài viết này, Anh Ngữ ZIM tiếp tục giúp đỡ bạn ôn luyện phần IELTS Speaking Part 2 tốt nhất có thể với chỉ dẫn cụ thể cơ hội luyện speaking IELTS hiệu suất cao vô chủ thể Places, dạng bài xích Describe an ideal house / Describe a house or apartment you would lượt thích to lớn live in. 

Key takeaways:

  1. Ngoài những kể từ vựng và cơ hội diễn tả được hỗ trợ vô bài xích, người học tập hoàn toàn có thể xem thêm những mối cung cấp đáng tin tưởng không giống nhằm phong phú và đa dạng hóa phát minh và cấu hình áp dụng vô bài xích thưa IELTS Speaking của tớ.

  2. Để kiến thiết dàn ý, người học tập cần thiết phát âm những thắc mắc chỉ dẫn, viết lách dàn bài xích giờ đồng hồ Việt kèm cặp với việc chêm tăng những kể từ vựng giờ đồng hồ Anh.

  3. Để xây dựng bài xích thưa cho những đề bài xích tương tự động, người học tập hoàn toàn có thể xây dựng Theo phong cách cơ hội như sau:

  • Theo những hướng nhìn vùng địa lý, chống phụ cận, technology vô ngôi nhà,...

  • Theo đối tượng người sử dụng cần thiết tế bào mô tả.

Lập dàn ý chủ thể “Describe your ideal house”

You should say:

  • Where it is

  • What kind of accommodation it is

  • What furniture there is

  • Explain why you would lượt thích to lớn live in it.

Bài khuôn mẫu chủ thể “describe your ideal house”

Bài khuôn mẫu band 5+

Today, I am going to lớn talk about a house that I’ve thought of since I was young. In the past, I used to lớn dream of a semi-detached house. However, since I hate to lớn live in multi-storey houses, I want an apartment that fits my personality. It would be located in the countryside because I want a calm and spacious living place.

My dream trang chủ would be a three-bedroom apartment with two bathrooms and an open kitchen. The reason why it has ví many rooms is that it’s for an extended family and members of different generations can share their stories.

I would paint the walls by myself; it would be the color of the sun to lớn create a warm atmosphere inside the house. I’d lượt thích my future trang chủ to lớn follow the mid-century modern style, with wooden floors and doors. There will be windows in the bedrooms and the kitchen as well to lớn welcome sunlight. I would also decorate the house with a lot of ancient furniture.

Meanwhile, the equipment in the house should be of high technology. I am accustomed to using modern appliances. Therefore, in spite of the ancient vibe of the house, advanced equipment would be perfect for bủ.

The reason why I would lượt thích to lớn live in such a house is that it would bring bủ comfort. When I face hardships in life, I can just go back trang chủ and relax.

Từ vựng:

  • Semi-detached house: a house joined to lớn another house by a wall on one side that is shared (nhà tuy nhiên lập)

  • Multi-storey: having several floors (có nhiều tầng)

  • Extended family: a family group with a close relationship among the members that includes not only parents and children but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc. (gia đình nhiều thế hệ)

  • Mid-century modern: phong thái thời điểm giữa thế kỷ hiện nay đại

  • Be accustomed to lớn something: familiar with something and accepting it as normal or usual (quen nằm trong với khuôn mẫu gì)

  • Advanced (adjective): having the most modern and recently developed ideas, methods, etc. (hiện đại, tân tiến)

  • Comfort (noun): the state of being physically relaxed, the state of having a pleasant life (sự thoải mái)

  • Hardship (noun): a situation that is difficult and unpleasant because you vì thế not have enough money, food, clothes, etc. (khó khăn).

Xem thêm:

  • Bài khuôn mẫu Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax

  • Describe a place you visited on vacation

  • Describe a place popular for sports

Bài khuôn mẫu band 6.5+

Today, I am going to lớn talk about a house that I’ve always dreamed of since I was young. In the past, I used to lớn dream of a semi-detached house. However, since I don't fancy multi-storey houses, I yearn for an apartment that suits my personality traits. It would be located in the countryside because I want a peaceful and calming environment.

My dream trang chủ would be a three-bedroom apartment with two bathrooms and an open kitchen. The reason why it has ví many rooms is that I want to lớn live in an extended family where unforgettable moments of life can be shared among members of different generations.

I would lượt thích to lớn take full control of the house design, by for instance painting the walls by myself, the warm color of the sun. I’d lượt thích my future trang chủ to lớn follow a kind of mid-century modern style, with wooden floors and wooden doors of a fairly light color. Sunlight would spread all over the house throughout the day through windows in the bedrooms and the kitchen as well. I would also decorate the house with myriad pieces of antique furniture.

Despite adopting a historic style, I still maintain the notion that the equipment in the house should be of cutting-edge technology. I am accustomed to lớn utilizing advanced technological appliances, namely stove, oven, refrigerator, or automatic washing machine. Therefore, in spite of the ancient vibe of the house, brand-new equipment would be perfect for bủ to lớn ensure my convenience.

My motivation for having such a house in the future relates to my own comfort. Imagine immersing yourself in such a relaxing and creative space, that would be a great comfort and escapism from everyday life.

Từ vựng:

  • Personality traits (collocation): tích cơ hội quánh trưng

  • Unforgettable (adjective): if something is unforgettable, you cannot forget it, usually because it is ví beautiful, interesting, pleasant, etc. (khó quên)

  • Myriad (adjective): extremely large in number (nhiều)

  • Antique (adjective): (of furniture, jewellery, etc.) old and often valuable (cổ, cổ đại)

  • Notion (noun): an idea, a belief or an understanding of something (ý niệm)

  • Utilize (verb): to lớn use something, especially for a practical purpose (sử dụng)

  • Brand-new (adjective): completely new (mới tinh nghịch, mới nhất toanh)

  • Motivation (noun): the reason why somebody does something or behaves in a particular way (động lực)

  • Relate to lớn something/somebody: to lớn be connected with something/somebody; to lớn refer to lớn something/somebody (liên quan lại cho tới ai/cái gì)

  • Escapism (noun): an activity, a size of entertainment, etc. that helps you avoid or forget unpleasant or boring things (sự giải thoát)

Bài khuôn mẫu band 7.5+

Today, I am going to lớn talk about a house that I’ve earnestly strived towards since I was young. In the past, I used to lớn dream of a semi-detached house. However, since I don't take interest in multi-storey houses, I strive for an apartment that resembles my true colors. It would be located in the countryside because I, as a calm and autonomous individual, want to lớn immerse myself in tranquillity.

My dream trang chủ would be a three-bedroom apartment with two bathrooms and an open kitchen. The reason why it has ví many rooms is that I want to lớn live in an extended family where remarkable moments of life can be shared among members of different generations.

I would lượt thích to lớn design the house with a large footprint, by for instance painting the walls by myself, the color of the sun to lớn create a cordial atmosphere. I’d lượt thích my future trang chủ to lớn follow the transitional style of architecture, kind of mid-century modern, typified by wooden floors and wooden doors of a fairly light color. Sunlight would spread all over the house throughout the day through windows in the bedrooms and the kitchen as well. I would also decorate the house with myriad pieces of antique furniture.

I know that this might sound bizarre, but, despite adopting a historic style, I still maintain the notion that the equipment in the house should be of cutting-edge technology. I am accustomed to lớn utilizing state-of-the-art appliances. Therefore, in spite of the ancient vibe of the house, brand-new equipment would be perfect to lớn ensure my convenience and increase the utility of the house.

My motivation for dreaming of such a house relates to lớn my experience. Imagine immersing yourself in aesthetic and retrospective furniture and reflecting on the history of the house and its people, that would be a comparative comfort. I would seek solace in the warmth of the house amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Từ vựng:

  • Strive towards/for something: to lớn try very hard to lớn achieve something (nỗ lực nhằm đạt được khuôn mẫu gì).

  • Take interest in something (collocation): To be interested in something (dành sự quan hoài, yêu thích cho tới loại gì).

  • Resemble somebody/something (verb): to lớn look lượt thích or be similar to lớn another person or thing (giống với ai/cái gì).

  • Autonomous (adjective): (of a person) able to lớn vì thế things and make decisions without help from anyone else (độc lập).

  • Immerse oneself in something (collocation): to lớn become or make somebody completely involved in something (đắm bản thân vô loại gì).

  • Tranquility (noun): the state of being quiet and peaceful (Sự yên lặng tĩnh, thanh bình).

  • Remarkable (adjective): unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to lớn take notice (đặc biệt).

  • A large footprint: một vết ấn to lớn lớn

  • Transitional (adjective): connected with the process of changing from one state or condition to lớn another (chuyển tiếp, đem giao).

  • Cordial atmosphere (collocation): pleasant and friendly atmosphere (không khí thân ái mật).

  • Typify something (verb): to lớn be a typical feature of something (điển hình cho tới khuôn mẫu gì).

  • Bizarre (adjective): very strange or unusual (kỳ cục).

  • State-of-the-art (adjective): using the most modern or advanced techniques or methods; as good as it can be at the present time (tân tiến thủ nhất, tân tiến nhất).

  • Utility (noun): the quality of being useful (tính hữu dụng).

  • Aesthetic (adjective): made in an artistic way and beautiful to lớn look at (mang tính thẩm mỹ).

  • Retrospective (adjective): thinking about or connected with something that happened in the past (hồi tưởng, hoài niệm).

  • Eeflect (verb): to lớn think carefully and deeply about something (suy nghĩ về, ngẫm nghĩ).

  • Seek solace in something: dò la tìm tòi niềm yên ủi ở đồ vật gi.

  • Hustle and bustle of something (noun phrase): sự sống động và tiếng ồn ào của đồ vật gi.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

Actually, I prefer staying in a flat for numerous reasons. The buying cost of a flat is obviously lower than vãn independent houses, let alone the fact that the maintenance cost of a flat is also much cheaper. In addition, when living in a flat, owners can  find their safety is guaranteed by the security department, contrary to lớn the fact that we have to lớn take care of the security ourselves in a house.

Is it better to lớn own your trang chủ or to lớn rent?

Obviously, the ownership of a house is total difference from renting a house. I love the feeling of having full control over the house, from its design, style, to lớn the location of furniture. I would lượt thích my house to lớn represent my characteristics, ví owning a house enables my freedom to lớn decide on those things. It is my belief that we have rather constrained control over a rented house since we have to lớn obey some regulations of its legal owner. Sometimes, the rented house does not suit my style, but we have to lớn ask for permission before making any changes to lớn its structure. That’s why I yearn for more control over my own house.

How different are relations between neighbours in cities and in the countryside?

With regard to lớn people in the countryside, I think they tend to lớn establish strong bonds with their neighbours. Obviously, it is not uncommon to lớn see people go to lớn each other’s houses to lớn exchange foods, items, poultry and ví on. Sometimes, they just simply liên hệ each other and share their everyday stories or assist each other willingly in urgent circumstances. They are ví close-knit that they regard each other as relatives. As for people in cities, they tend to lớn have fewer contacts with those who live nearby. Therefore, the relationship among these people is quite distant. This is because urban people are too indulged in their careers and family life. In order to lớn maintain stability in cities, most of their time is devoted to lớn their work; thus, little time is left for socializing with their neighbours.

What accommodation options are available to lớn young people in your country? 

The most favoured type of accommodation among young people nowadays is apartments. Since there are numerous apartment buildings constructed, young people are provided with a wide variety of economical housing of high quality. Some flats are fully-equipped, which is convenient and time-saving. Another point is that people feel safe when living in a place surrounded by security control systems in apartment buildings; therefore, this option is widely chosen. Meanwhile, the other option is independent houses, for those who want to lớn be autonomous and to lớn lead an inspiring life. The cost of this type of housing is rather astronomical, plus the purchasing process is quite time-consuming. In addition to lớn these two types of permanent homes, young people can opt for temporary houses lượt thích homestays or rented houses to lớn avoid financial burdens. The top advantages are low-cost and flexibility, which makes temporary housing a great selection.

Tổng kết

Bài viết lách bên trên phía trên hỗ trợ những câu vấn đáp khuôn mẫu, kể từ vựng và cấu hình câu hiệu suất cao, hao hao chỉ dẫn cụ thể cơ hội xây dựng phát minh cho tới chủ thể Describe an ideal house. Mong rằng với những kỹ năng này, người học tập tiếp tục biết phương pháp xây dựng phát minh cho tới bài xích thưa, ôn tập luyện hiệu suất cao và phần mềm những kể từ và cụm kể từ hoặc vô bài xích thưa IELTS Speaking của tớ.