Describe an Activity that you Enjoy that Takes Place in or near Water- IELTS Cue Card


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  • Sample Answer 1
  • Sample Answer 2
  • Part 3 Follow-up Questions 

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Describe an activity that you enjoy that takes place in or near water.You should say:

  • what it is
  • what you should prepare
  • why you have to lớn prepare
  • and explain how you feel about


As an adventure aficionado, I love water sports as much as I love adventurous rides.

What it is?

Well, there are a variety of aquatic sports; they are fun, thrilling, and provide unique and exhilarating experiences. Here, I’d lượt thích to lớn talk about surfing, one of my favorite water activities.

What you should prepare?

Learning to lớn surf was one of my bucket list aspirations when I was around 16 since I wanted to lớn experience an adrenaline rush. When I stood up against the wave for the first time, surfing brought u a euphoric sense. Although surfing might look easy, mastering is not that simple. It took at least a month for u to lớn master the art of surfing. Having the right equipment was extremely important to lớn get the best out of surfing. So, the essential equipment required was a surfboard with fins and a leash, surf wax, and swimming clothes (a wetsuit).

Why you have to lớn prepare?

Surfing has become one of my most iconic summer water sports. Since I live near the coastal region, it was effortless to lớn learn to lớn surf. My surfing master guided u in every possible way and had u hitting the raging waves in no time. He instructed that I begin with paddling that acts lượt thích a complete body toàn thân workout and excellent cardiovascular fitness, strengthening my shoulder, back, and leg and gradually moving towards the higher waves.

And explain how you feel about?

Now, I regularly surf in the mornings and evenings with a break, which helps u transition into the day. Indulging in surfing has instilled good health benefits in my life. To be honest, the feeling of the wind on my face and catching each wave while riding the surfboard brings an amplified zeal and incredible pleasure. Overall, adventurous surfing is one of the most thrilling and adrenaline-pumping water activities I’ve ever experienced!


Although I’m a very busy person, I believe that finding time to lớn unwind and vì thế fun activities is crucial for a happy existence. As a result, I unintentionally schedule some leisure time in my calendar.

What is it? 

I’m someone who loves experiencing the adrenaline rush from riding a daring rollercoaster or participating in thrilling water sports. But, to lớn tell you the truth, I’m a thalassophile. These water sports provide a one-of-a-kind experience. So, today, I’d want to lớn discuss snorkelling, one of my favourite water hobbies.

What should you prepare?

Snorkelling is one of the fascinating underwater adventure sports that does not require a person to lớn be an expert swimmer. It is akin to lớn swimming on the water’s surface. Anyone, including children, can try snorkelling. However, the right equipments such as a diving mask, goggles, fins, and a hollow tube known as a snorkel, would be required.

Why vì thế you have to lớn prepare? 

These equipments help the swimmer move and breathe under the water, and are required to lớn vì thế this water sport activity.

I was always an inquisitive child. So being intrigued by the wonders beneath the waves was not unusual. I have always desired to lớn admire the ocean’s giants since my childhood days. But my trainer was hesitant to lớn allow u to lớn snorkel until I turned 12. So, on my twelfth birthday, my trainer took u snorkelling to lớn explore the endless underwater world.

And explain how you feel about it? 

To be honest, going under the crystal clear waters and witnessing sánh many intricate and beautifully coloured coral reefs, as well as gangs of fish with gleaming scales, was an incredible bliss. I was mesmerized by the aquamarine creatures, which are more luxurious phàn nàn the terrestrials. Thus, snorkelling is one of the most sought-after activities for water enthusiasts lượt thích u heading to lớn the beach only in pursuit of adventure.


  • Aficionado

Meaning: a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime
Eg: Jack was a sports xế hộp aficionado.

  • Euphoric

Meaning: characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness
Eg: Snowboarding brings a euphoric feeling.

  • Equipment

Meaning: the necessary items for a particular purpose
Eg: Students were provided with the necessary equipment.

  • Indulge

Meaning: allow oneself to lớn enjoy the pleasure of
Eg: Matt indulged in mac and cheese.

  • Electrify

Meaning: arouse a sudden sense of great excitement in; the thrill
Eg: It was electrifying when I tried flyboarding.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations on the seaside? 

Spending a holiday near the ocean is one of the best ways to lớn celebrate life. Seaside vacationing obviously has its perks, but there are some negatives as well. Stress relief, natural Vi-Ta-Min D infusions, constant serenity, mental health enhancement, and the opportunity to lớn experience some exhilarating water sports activities are just a few of the advantages of coastal vacations. In contrast, people who spend too much time in the sun are more likely to lớn develop tans on their skin, and get accidents or wounds while participating in water activities.

  1. Why vì thế children lượt thích the sea better phàn nàn adults?

I doubt it because people of all ages adore the sea. Children, for example, enjoy the sea because they may see cascading waves, big boats, dry sand, seashells, tiny marine creatures such as silverfish, curious crabs, small snails, and active ants, as well as the endless xanh rờn, bright ocean. They can even go on small water rides without any fear of getting hurt. On the other hand, adults prefer going to lớn the beach because the serene environment helps them unwind and de-stress. Some water enthusiasts participate in adventurous water sports in order to lớn experience an adrenaline rush.

  1. What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?

There are a variety of jobs in different industries that allow people to lớn work on or near the ocean. There are positions available as a lifeguard, marine technician, deckhand, ecologist, sailing instructor, swimming instructor, commercial diver, aquarist, ship captain, and marine biologist. Apart from that, there are numerous hotels and seafood restaurants along the coast where individuals can work as housekeepers, chefs, cooks, assistants, managers, and waiters.


  • Getaways

Meaning: a short holiday
Eg: I’d love to lớn go on a weekend getaway to lớn Maldivian Islands.

  • Exhilarate 

Meaning: make (someone) feel very happy, animated, or elated.
Eg: Riding on a roller coaster was an exhilarating experience.

  • Infusion

Meaning: the act or process of infusing an infusion of new ideas.
Eg: The university needs an infusion of funds to lớn construct a new infrastructure.

  • People of all ages

Meaning: whatever their age, even if they are very young or very old!
Eg: The course is open to lớn people of all ages.

  • Serene

Meaning: calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.
Eg: I loved the serene environment in Kashmir.

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