Describe a family member who you spend the most time with: Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng


Bài ghi chép trình làng Sample IELTS Speaking part 2 Describe a family thành viên who you spend the most time with nằm trong group chủ thể describe a person (miêu miêu tả người) tất nhiên những kể từ vựng ghi điểm vô bài xích. Đây là 1 trong vô group chủ thể phổ cập vô bài xích thi đua IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Describe a family thành viên who you spend the most time with

You should say:

  • Who this person is

  • What kind of person he /she is

  • What you usually tự together

  •  And explain why you spend most time with him/her

IELTS Speaking sample

She's my aunt, and we live in the same house, ví I’d say I’ve known her since forever. She is in her 70s now, but she looks a lot younger than thở her age. I guess it’s because she does yoga every day. She’s also very healthy and lucid

My aunt is a warm-hearted and friendly woman. Since I was a child, she has looked after u, and I really love spending time with her. She's my confidant. Every day, after getting back trang chủ from work, I share with her everything on my mind whether it is relationship problems or conflicts at work.

She often listens to tướng u carefully and asks questions that help me gain a better understanding of the issue. She also gives feedback to tướng help u clarify my thinking and make suggestions. When she was younger, she worked in many fields ranging from HR to tướng marketing, ví she has a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience. Therefore, her feedback and suggestions are always of great help to tướng u.

Besides, she is very patient with u. There have been times when I was fully aware that I was just talking nonsense, complaining about school or work. Still, she was there for u, listening to tướng my grumbles and offering comfort.

Whenever I face problems in my life and need someone to tướng turn to tướng for advice, she is the first person that comes to tướng mind.

Từ vựng vô IELTS Speaking sample

1.    Lucid /ˈluː.sɪd/: sáng láng, sáng sủa suốt

Ví dụ: She gave a clear and lucid trương mục of her plans for the company's future.

2.    Warm-hearted /ˌwɔːmˈhɑː.tɪd/: chất lượng tốt bụng

Ví dụ: She's a good, warm-hearted woman

3.    To gain better understanding of   something: nắm rõ rộng lớn về điều gì đó

   understanding /ˌʌn.dəˈstæn.dɪŋ/ : hiểu

Ví dụ: We are hoping to tướng gain a better understanding about the underlying process.

4.    To clarify my thinking: thực hiện rõ ràng tâm lý của tôi

clarify /ˈklær.ɪ.faɪ/: thực hiện rõ

thinking /ˈθɪŋ.kɪŋ: suy nghĩ

Ví dụ: It has helped u clarify my thinking about my research

5.    To make suggestions: thể hiện khêu ý

suggestions /səˈdʒes.tʃən/: khêu ý

Ví dụ: She made some very helpful suggestions but her quấn rejected them all.

6.    Nonsense /ˈnɒn.səns/: điều phi lý

Ví dụ: This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.

Mở rộng:

Những kể từ vựng và ý tưởng phát minh vô bài xích rất có thể vận dụng mang lại mái ấm đề:

  • Describe an old person that you know and respect

I always have the greatest respect for her advice. When she was younger, she worked in many fields ranging from HR to tướng marketing, ví she has a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience. Therefore, her feedback and suggestions are always of great help to tướng u.

  • Describe a person you want to tướng have dinner with

I love having dinner with my aunt. She’s my confidant, and every day, during dinner, I share with her everything on my mind whether it is relationship problems or conflicts at work.

 IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

Câu 1: What are the benefits of younger and older generations living together?

Gợi ý: generation (thế hệ), take care of each other (chăm sóc lộn nhau), learn from each other (học căn vặn lộn nhau), valuable (có giá chỉ trị/ quý giá), life experience (kinh nghiệm sống)

Both younger and older generations can enjoy the benefits of living together. First, family members can take care of each other. Also, they can learn from each other. For example, children can help their parents with technology. In return, their parents can teach them a lot of valuable life lessons.

 Câu 2: What about the drawbacks?

Gợi ý: tension (sự căng thẳng), privacy (sự riêng biệt tư), alone time (thời gian dối một mình)

One drawback is that living together may lead to tướng tension in a family when different generations have some kind of conflict. Besides, having more people in the trang chủ means less privacy, which may be stressful for introverts who need to tướng be alone.

 Câu 3: Which tự you prefer, tư vấn from family members or friends? Why?

Gợi ý: trustworthy (đáng tin cậy cậy), deceive (lừa dối), beholden (mắc nợ)

Personally, I prefer tư vấn from family members. Not every one of our friends is trustworthy, and thus we aren’t sure if they are deceiving us or not. Another reason is that it is really uncomfortable feeling beholden to tướng others.