Choose the correct answer. 1 Why don't you........a go? It's not difficult! A make С do В have D set 2 Carl wasn't ve...


1. Choose the correct item.

1. The soldiers were exhausted and couldn't move back any further, ví they had no choice but to

A surrender С invade

В conquer D retreat

2. After long months of negotiations, the two sides finally signed a peace…….. .

A treaty С truce

В disarmament D contract

3. The police the protesters and brought them to tát the police station.

A attacked С defeated

В arrested D defended

4. The came on board and inspected all the sailors on the ship.

A ally С admiral

В pacifist D private

5. I don't think he is a very good leader because he has no control………the soldiers in his company.

A over В on

С in D at

6. There were people protesting here earlier, but now everything's fine: it's all control.

A in В under

С over D behind

7. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can tự about the situation: it's….. my control.

A away from С far from

В out of D beyond

8. The army camp is beyond that mountain. There's…….chance that we'll reach it before nightfall.

A slight В small

С few D little

9. It's not always easy for a soldier to tát carry….. orders.

A out В on

С off D up

10. through the mountains on horse back was an amazing experience.

A Hiking С Trekking

В Wandering D Marching

11. Many people want to……their history back as far as they can and discover who their ancestors were.

A find В search

С trace D track

12. Very occasionally, an outstanding person comes along who changes the….of history.

A course С path

В route D way

13. Amelia Earhart…..history in 1928 when she became the first woman to tát fly across the Atlantic.

A fixed В did

С prepared D made

14. Jane was going to tát pay for the trip, but when she saw how much it was going to tát cost, she backed

A away В out

С off D up

15. The Louvre Museum in Paris is……in history: it used to tát be the palace of the French kings.

A recorded С steeped

В full D loaded

16. You really should buy a DVD player! You have to tát move with the….. .

A times В time

С timing D timer

17. On 5th November 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to tát blow…….. the Houses of Parliament in London.

A down В off

С up D away

18. He's involved….. a number of research projects.

A at В in

С on D to

19. It can be very difficult to tát bring……. political change because people generally lượt thích things that are familiar.

A about В on

С around D up

20. Up until midnight, one group of soldiers were keeping watch, then another group took

A in В up

С over D on

2. Fill in the missing word.

1. Columbus................................. America, didn't he?

2. It happened .................................accident.

3. When a person feels strongly enough about something, they are sometimes willing to tát die.......................... the cause.

4. Alexander Graham Bell ..................................................the telephone.

5. In the UK people get the tát vote at the age of 18.

6. It's really terrible! She never stops complaining: she moans…........................the time!

7. Martin Luther King believed..................…..equal rights for every one.

8. It's not possible! She can't ........................borrowed my new dress without asking me!

9. He didn't need ...................................clean the flat: Sarah had already done it.

10. Sheila.................................. have taken the dog for a walk: he's not in his basket.

3. Complete the second sentence ví that it has a similar meaning to tát the first sentence using the word given. Use between two and five words.

1. When I got to tát the site, the archaeologists had already started digging.

time The archaeologists had already started digging.............................……… tát the site.

2. I'm sure they didn't see bầm.

have They............................ bầm.

3. The last time they contacted us was over a year ago.

heard We...................................... for over a year.

4. How did they find out about our plans?

known How.............................. our plans?

5. Taking the bikes without asking them would not be right

to I think it tát take the bikes.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

1. We should try to tát give more ...................................... to tát our children. COURAGE

2. You're ví careless; you should…….................... that you keep your things safe. SURE

3. I didn't listen to tát the entire speech; could you.. . . . . . . .. . …… it for me? SUMMARY

I don't go to tát the hairdresser's; I usually........................……. my hair myself. STRAIGHT

The forecast said that weather conditions would..................…. , ví be prepared for more rain. WORSE

5. Find the unnecessary word for each sentence.

1. A thousand years ago few of people could read or write. .......................

2. This building is one of the more oldest in the world. .......................

3. They invented the machine while were still at university. .......................

4. The old man passed far away in his sleep. .......................

5. The Pharaoh had a daughter called by Nefertiti. .......................

6. Circle the correct response.

1. A: I didn't pass my driving test.

B: a. That was nice of them!

b. Better luck next time!

2. A: Jane was here. You've just missed her.

B: a. Just my luck!

b. How embarrassing!

3. A: I won the lottery! I'm rich!

B: a. Yeah, right!

b. Not at all!

4. A: Wasn't it Mozart who composed Swan Lake?

В: а. I don't believe it!

b. I haven't a clue.

5. A: It's the second time my purse has been stolen this month!

B: a. Oh, you lucky thing!

b. I can't believe your luck!