Bài 12 - Phần 3 - Listening - Listen for dialogue & monologue -


Đây là bài bác ở đầu cuối nhằm chúng ta cũng có thể thoải mái tự tin lao vào kỳ đua IELTS Speaking

Video chỉ dẫn phần 1

Video chỉ dẫn phần 2

Video chỉ dẫn phần 3


1) Reaching a decision

In listening part 1 và 3, you often hear people discussing a problem, suggesting solutions and then reaching a decision. A discussion lượt thích this might focus on the advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion.

1.1 Look at these questions and try to lớn think of possible advantages and disadvantages you might hear. Write them in the table.

Possible advantages/ disadvantages

Section 1

The speakers decide to lớn travel to lớn the airport by

A   taxi

B   bus

C   car

Section 3

What bởi the students decide to lớn bởi next?

A   Ask the tutor for help

B   Do more research on the topic

C   Produce a typed copy of their notes

1.2 Listen and answer the questions in 1.1

1.3 Listen again and make a note of any languages that the speakers use to lớn show they reach a decision or agreement.

Thực hành nghe part 1

Thực hành nghe part 3

2) Signposting words:

For Listening part 4, you will hear a talk by a student or an expert on an academic subject. Speakers often use signposting words to lớn move from one topic to lớn another, or to lớn help connect their ideas.

2.1 Listen to lớn six short extracts from different listening section 4 talks. Complete the extracts below.

  1. OK, …………the late 19th century when a great giảm giá of changes were taking place.
  2. Now, ……….., I wanted to lớn give you some background information.
  3. So,  …………….some possible reasons for this.
  4. ……………, I’d lượt thích to lớn talk about some future projects.
  5. So, ………… did we reach?
  6. I’ll …………what this machine can bởi.

1.2 Match the extracts 1-6 in 1.1 to lớn uses A-C below.

A   to lớn start off a topic

B   to lớn change to lớn a new topic

C   to lớn finish off a topic

1.3 Here are some words you might hear in a talk. Match words 1-8 to lớn their synonyms A-H

1. results

2. definition

3. challenges

4. history

5. advantages

6. disadvantages

7. answers

8. summarize

A.   background

B.   benefits

C.   solutions

D.   findings

E.   conclude

F.    meaning

G.   drawbacks

H.   problems

3) Understanding how ideas are connected

The topics and language in listening part 3 và 4 are more complex. Here are some examples of the information you may hear.

  1. the method used in a particular study
  2. the effects of an action
  3. the reason an action was carried out
  4. the conclusions that can be drawn from research
  5. the findings of an experiment

Listen to lớn 4 extracts from listening section 3 và 4. Decide what type of information above you will hear in each.

1 …………      2 …………..      3 ……………     4 ………….

4) Following a lecture (part 4)

4.1 Read the notes below and answer these questions:

Which of the following bởi you think you will hear?

  1. The names of all the plants, then all their origins, then finally their impacts.
  2. A full mô tả tìm kiếm of one plant that also contains some references to lớn the other plants listed.
  3. A complete background of a plant: when and how it was discovered, then its impacts.

How the note is organized?

How will this help you to lớn follow the talk?

For which question bởi you need to lớn write a nationality?

4.2 Listen and complete the notes with ONE WORD ONLY.


Prehistory: Flowering plants

  -   Arrived about 130 million years ago

  -   Became an essential source of 1 ………….

2737 BC: tea

  -   Discovered in Đài Loan Trung Quốc, played a key role in USA, Đài Loan Trung Quốc and UK

  -   Led to lớn financial problems in Britain –  a Chinese ruler insisted on tea was paid for with 2 ……….., which had to lớn be sourced from other countries.

202 BC: White Mulberry

  -   In demand from 202 BC when it was essential in the production of 3………….

  -  Trade routes led to lớn the spread of different 4 ……………. but also made more people ill and encourage the exchange of dangerous products (e.g. 5 ……………)

16th century: the potato

  -   Originated in Central and South America, brought to lớn Europe by the 6 …………

  -   It was rapidly accepted because it was cheap and contained lots of 7 ………….

  -   Helped prevent one specific 8 ………..

  -   1845 – 1849: large-scale failure of potato crops led to lớn a million deaths in Ireland and the 9 ………… of another million people.


Làm tối thiểu 5 bài bác section 1, 5 bài bác section 2, 5 bài bác section 3 và 5 bài bác section 4


Làm tối thiểu 4 đề full test listening 
