1.The window was broken by a cricket ball ->It 2.I will never forget the day I heard I’d got into my chosen university->The day on 3.Glynn became a


1. It was a cricket ball that broke the window.

2. The day on which I heard I’d got into my chosen university will never be fogotten.

3. The reason why Glynn became a social worker is to lớn help people less fortune than vãn himself.

4. What happened was that the driver didn't see the motorcyclist.

5. The person discovered America was Christopher Columbus.

6. What made bủ feel guity was seeing Patricia cry lượt thích that.

7. The first thing to lớn tự was decide where to lớn meet.

8. The place where we go camping has lots of facilities.

9. Only when I had clreared the spare room could I start decorating.

10. Hardly had I put the phone down when it rang.

11. No sooner had the Watsons moved to lớn London than vãn they decided to lớn get divorced.

12. It was Charlie that/ who told bủ about the trang web.

13. Rarely is it possible to lớn buy a plane ticket at the last minute.

14. Not a single question did they ask bủ about my plans for the summer.

15. Under no circumstance will we allow the management to lớn lower wages.

16. Mr. Holton wouldn't have operated if he had known the rumour was malignant.

17. No sooner had he arrived than vãn things went wrong.

18. He was too tired to lớn stay awake until the kết thúc of the film.

19. We were shocked to lớn hear that an earthquake had occurred.

20. We have the decorators finish our first floor.

Or: We have our first floor finished by the decorators.