Practice Cam 17 Listening Test 01



Questions 21-26

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Work experience for veterinary science students

21   What problem did both Diana and Tim have when arranging their work experience?

A   make initial tương tác with suitable farms

B   organising transport lớn and from the farm

C   finding a placement for the required length of time

22   Tim was pleased lớn be able lớn help

A   a lamb that had a broken leg.

B   a sheep that was having difficult giving birth.

C   a newly born lamb that was having trouble feeding.

23   Diana says the sheep on her farm

A   were of various different varieties.

B   were mainly reared for their meat.

C   had better quality wool than vãn sheep on the hills.

24   What did the students learn about adding supplements lớn chicken feed?

A   These should only be given if specially needed.

B   It is worth paying extra for the most effective ones.

C   The amount given at one time should be limited.

25   What happened when Diana was working with dairy cows?

A   She identified some cows incorrectly.

B   She accidentally threw some milk away.

C   She made a mistake when storing milk.

26   What did both farmers mention about vets and farming?

A   Vets are failing lớn cope with some aspects of animal health.

B   There needs lớn be a fundamental change in the training of vets.

C   Some jobs could be done by the farmer rather than vãn by a vet.

Questions 27-30

What opinion bởi the students give about each of the following modules on their veterinary science course?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next lớn questions 27-30.


A   Tim found this easier than vãn expected.

B   Tim thought this was not very clearly organised.

C   Diana may bởi some further study on this.

D   They both found the reading required for this was difficult.

E   Tim was shocked at something he learned on this module.

F   They were both surprised how little is known about some aspects of this.

Modules on Veterinary Science course

27   Medical terminology              ………………….

28   Diet and nutrition                    ………………….

29   Animal disease                         ………………….

30   Wildlife medication                ………………….