Cambridge IELTS 9 - Listening Test 1 With Practice Test, Answers And Explanation
👂️ Bài nghe section 1
Job Inquiry
Work at: a restaurant
Type of work:
Number of hours per week: 12 hours
Would need work permit
Work in the:
branchNearest bus stop: next to
£ an hourExtra benefits:
a không lấy phí dinner
Extra pay when you work on
Transport trang chủ when you work
Qualities required:
Ability to
Interview arranged for: Thursday
at 6 pmBring the name of two referees
Ask for: Samira
❓ Tapescript section 1
Good evening.King's Restaurant.
Good evening.I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant.
I'd lượt thích to tát find out a few more details,if i may.
Yes,of course.Can i take your name?
Okay Peter.Well,if you want to tát ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange for you to tát come for an interview.
Great,thanks.I'm afraid i missed the advert for the job but heard about it from a friend.
That's no problem at all.What would you lượt thích to tát know?
Well,um,what sort of work is it - washing up?
It's answering the phone.
And not waiting at table.
That'd be good.And how many nights a week would it be?
Well,we're really only busy at the weekend.
Three actually,so sánh it would work out at twelve hours a week.
That'd be fine.It wouldn't interfere with my studies.
Are you at the university?
Yes.First year Physics student.
Um,and because i'm not an EU national would i need a work permit?
Yes you would. Just get your tutor to tát sign it.
That wouldn't be a problem,if i were to tát get the job.Um,where exactly is the restaurant?
Well,we have two branches - the one we're recruiting for is in Hillsdunne Road.
I don't know that.How tự you spell it please?
It's H-I-double L-S-D-U-double N-E Road.
Got it near a bus stop?
Yes. The nearest one would probably be just beside the Library.
Oh yes,i know it.That'd be fine for bu.And could i ask about the pay?
We're offering£4.45 an hour.
That's very good.My last job was £3.95 an hour.
We feel it's pretty good and we also offer some good fringe benefits.
Well,we give you a không lấy phí dinner,so sánh you eat well.
Right,better phàn nàn hostel food!
We certainly hope so! And we also offer extra pay for working on national holidays.
Oh,that's a really good perk,isn't it?
Yes,we think so sánh.And then because of the difficulties of getting public transport, if you're working after 11 o'clock we drive you trang chủ.
well,we'd certainly be interested in inviting you for an interview,if you're still interested?
Oh yes,certainly.Could I just also ask what qualities you're looking for?
Well,for this particular job we want a clear voice,which you obviously tự have!
And you must be able to tát think quickly,you know.
So,when could you come in for an interview?We're actually quite quiet tonight?
Sorry,I couldn't come tonight.Or tomorrow,I'm afraid.Thursday's okay that'd be 22nd of October.
Yes,fine.Would 6 o'clock be okay?
Perfect.And could you bring along the names of two referees?
Yes,that's fine,no problem.
Good,I look forward to tát seeing you.
Oh,by the way,who should i ask for?
Oh yes ,of course,sorry.My name is Samira Manuja.
Can you spell that,please?
Okay.i've got that.Thanks very much.
Look forward to tát seeing you...
🔥 Đáp án và lý giải section 1
answering the phone/answering phone/answer phone/answer the phone
Giải quí chi tiết
Xác tấp tểnh loại kể từ cần thiết điền là Noun + thông tin: một loại công việc ở restaurant
Quý Khách phái mạnh hỏi: "what sort of work is it " >> nường vấn đáp "It’s answering the phone.">> các bạn phái mạnh confirm lại "fine"
>> Điền "answer(ing) (the) phone"
👂️ Bài nghe section 2
a new
of an international sports goods companylocated in the shopping centre to tát the
of Bradcasterhas sports
and equipment on floors 1 – 3can get you any item within
daysshop specialises in equipment for
has a special section which just sells
A champion athlete will be in the shop
The first person to tát answer đôi mươi quiz questions correctly will win
Which TWO pieces of information does the speaker give about the fitness test?
A You need to tát reserve a place
B It is không lấy phí to tát trương mục holders
C You get advice on how to tát improve your health
D It takes place in a special clinic
❓ Tapescript section 2
Now we go to tát Jane who is going to tát tell us about what's happening in town this weekend.
Right, thanks Andrew, and now on to tát what's new, and tự we really need yet another sports cửa hàng in Bradcaster? Well, most of you probably know Sports World - the branch of a Danish sports goods company that opened a few years ago - it's attracted a lot of custom, and so sánh the company has now decided to tát open another branch in the area.
I was invited to tát a special preview and I can promise you, this is the ultimate in sports retailing. The whole place has been given a new minimalist look with the company's signature colours of Black and red.
The first three floors have a huge range of sports clothing as well as equipment, and on the top floor there's a cafe and a book and DVDsection. You'll find all the well-known names as well as some less well-known ones. If they haven't got exactly what you want in stock they promise to tát get it for you in ten days.
Unlike the other store, where it can take up to tát fourteen days. They cover all the major sports, including football, tennis and swimming, but they particularly focus on running. and they claim to tát have the widest range of equipment in the country.
As well as that, a whole section of the third floor is devoted to tát sports bags, including the latest designs from the States - if you can't find what you want here, it doesn't exist!
The cửa hàng will be open from 9.00 am this Saturday and if you go along to tát the opening then you'll have the chance to tát meet the national 400 metres running champion Paul King, who's coming along to tát open the cửa hàng, and he will be staying around until about midday to tát chat to tát any fans who want to tát meet him and sign autographs.
Then there will be a whole range of special attractions all weekend. There will be không lấy phí tickets for local sporting events for the first 50 customers, and also a special competition open to tát all.
Just answer fifteen out of twenty sports questions correctly to tát win a signed copy of Paul King's DVD 'Spring Tips', while the first person to tát get all the questions correct gets a year's không lấy phí membership of the Bradcaster Gym.
All entrants will receive a special Sports calendar with details of all Bradcaster fixtures in the coming year.
One of the special opening offers is a fitness test - a complete review of your cardiac fitness and muscle tone, actually done in the cửa hàng by qualified staff. This would normally cost £30.00 but is available at half price for this month only.
There are only a limited number of places available for this, so sánh to tát make a booking phone 560341. In addition, if you open an trương mục you get lots more special offers including the chance to tát try out equipment at special open evenings ...
🔥 Đáp án và lý giải section 2
Giải quí chi tiết
Xác tấp tểnh loại kể từ cần thiết điền: Noun + thông tin: một điều mới nhất của công ty lớn.
Sau Lúc nghe "about what's happening in town this weekend." là đáp án sẵn sàng cho tới.
Quý Khách hoàn toàn có thể nghe "Sports World - the branch of a Danish sports goods company that opened a few years ago - it's attracted a lot of customers," >> ứng với international sports goods company.
>> Nghe tiếp "so the company has now decided to tát open another branch in the area" >> ra quyết định phanh thêm một branch không giống
>> Điền "branch"
👂️ Bài nghe section 3
One reason why Spiros felt happy about his marketing presentation was that
C the presentation was the best in his group.
What surprised Hiroko about the other students’ presentations?
A Their presentations were not interesting.
B They found their presentations stressful.
C They didn’t look at the audience enough.
After she gave her presentation, Hiroko felt
How does Spiros feel about his performance in tutorials?
Why can the other students participate so sánh easily in discussions?
A They are polite to tát each other.
B They agree to tát take turns in speaking.
C They know each other well.
Why is Hiroko feeling more positive about tutorials now?
A She finds the other students’ opinions more interesting.
B She is making more of a contribution.
C The tutor includes her in the discussion.
To help her understand lectures, Hiroko
A consulted reference materials.
B had extra tutorials with her lecturers.
C borrowed lecture notes from other students.
What does Spiros think of his reading skills?
A He reads faster phàn nàn he used to tát.
B It still takes him a long time to tát read.
C He tends to tát struggle with new vocabulary.
What is Hiroko’s subject area?
Hiroko thinks that in the reading classes the students should
B read more in their own subject areas.
C develop better reading strategies.
❓ Tapescript section 3
Before we start, Spiros and Hiroko, thanks for coming in today to tát talk about your recent study experiences and congratulations to tát you both in doing so sánh well in your first semester exams!
I'd lượt thích to tát discuss with you the value of the English for Academic Purposes course you did here last year before starting your university course.
Spiros, if I could start with you,what parts of the programme have now proved to tát be particularly valuable to tát you?
I think that having to tát tự a seminar presentation really helped bu, For example, a couple of weeks ago in our marketing subject, when it was my turn to tát give a presentation I felt quite confident.
Of course, I was still nervous but because i had done one before, I knew what to tát expect.
Alse, I know I was well-prepared and I had practised my timing.
In fact, I think that in relation to tát some of the other people in my group, I did quite a good job because my overall style was quite professional.
In my group, I was really surprised by the way the students did their presentations - they just read their ontes aloud!
They didn't worry about their presentation style or keeping eye liên hệ with their audience - and I remember that these things were really stressed to tát us in the course here.
So, how did you approach your presentation, Hiroko?
Well, to tát speak frankly, I read my notes too!
At the time, it was a relief to tát tự it this way, but actually when I had finished, I didn't feel any real sense of satisfaction.
I didn't feel positive about the experience at all.
You know, although I was pleased with my presentation, I am not so sánh pleased with my actual performance right now in the tutorials - during the whole semester, I've not said anything in our tutorial discussions.
Do the other students talk too much?
It's partly that, but it's mostly because I have had no confidence to tát speak out.
Their style of speaking is so sánh different - it's not the style we were used to tát during the course.
They use so sánh many colloquialisms, they're not very polite and sometimes there seems to tát be no order in their discussion.
Also, they are very familiar with each other, so sánh because they know each other's habits, they can let each other into the discussion.
You're right, Spiros, I've experienced that too.
For most of this semester, I've said absolutely nothing in tutorials.
But recently, I've been trying to tát speak up more and I just jump in, and I've noticed an interesting thing.
I've noticed that if they thought my point was interesting or new, then the next time they actually asked for my opinion, and then it was much easier for bu to tát be part of the discussion.
I hope that happens for bu next semester - I'll have to tát work hard to tát find some interesting points.
What helped you to tát find these ideas?
I think that one thing that helped bu with this was the reading.
I've had to tát tự so sánh much reading this semester just to tát help bu make sense of the lectures.
At first I couldn't understand what the lecturers were talking about, so sánh I had to tát turn to tát the books and journals.
Every night I read for hours, using the lists of references that were given, and I made pages of notes.
At breakfast, I read and read my notes again.
This habit has helped bu to tát follow the ideas in the lectures, and it's also given bu some ideas to tát use in the tutorials.
But i did so sánh much reading anyway - I don't think there's any time left over for anything extra.
My reading tốc độ is still quite slow, though I'm much better at dealing with vocabulary phàn nàn I used to tát be.
What else tự you think we could add to tát the course program to tát help with this reading problem?
There's not really anything because it's my problem.
I remember we were given long articles to tát read.
We didn't lượt thích that but now I realise that reading those long articleswas good preparation for the things I need to tát read now.
Also, in class we regularly had speed-reading tasks to tát tự, and we kept a record of our reading tốc độ, so sánh the teachers were encouraging us to tát work on that.
That's true Spiros, but what we read could have been different.
Sometimes in the English class I felt frustrated when I had to tát read articles about the environment or health or education, because I wanted to tát concentrate on my own field, but we didn't read anything about engineering.
So, I think I wasted some time learning vocabulary didn't need.
But surely the strategies you were taught for dealing with that vocabulary were helpful.
Yes, but psychologically speaking, I would have felt much better working on reading from my own field.
What tự you think Spiros?
I agree, that would have helped my confidence too and I would have been more motivated.
It was good though that we could work on our own topics when we wrote the research assignments.
Okay, let's move on to tát writing now ...
🔥 Đáp án và lý giải section 3
Giải quí chi tiết
Nghe tới "a couple of weeks ago in our marketing subject, when it was my turn to tát give a presentation I felt quite confident" là biết đáp án chuẩn bị tới
Quý Khách nghe "I was still nervous but because I had done one before, I knew what to tát expect."
>> Có nervous >> Loại đáp án A
Quý Khách nghe "in relation to some of the other people in my group, I did quite a good job", tuy nhiên ko rằng "the best"
>> Loại đáp án C
👂️ Bài nghe section 4
Mass Strandings of Whales and Dolphins
Mass strandings: situations where groups of whales, dolphins, etc. swim onto the beach and die
Common in areas where the can change quickly
Several other theories:
e.g. some parasites can affect marine animals’ , which they depend on for navigation
Poisons from or are commonly consumed by whales
e.g. Cape Cod (1988) – whales were killed by saxitoxin
Accidental Strandings
Animals may follow prey ashore, e.g. Thurston (1995)
Unlikely because the majority of animals were not when they stranded
Human Activity
from military tests are linked to tát some recent strandings
The Bahamas (2000) stranding was unusual because the whales
were all
were not in a
Group Behaviour
More standings in the most
species of whales1994 dolphin stranding – only the
was ill
Further Reading
Marine Mammals Ashore (Connor) – gives information about stranding
❓ Tapescript section 4
Good afternoon everyone. Well,with some of you about to tát go out on field work it's timely that in this afternoon's session I'll be sharing some ideas about the reasons why groups of whales and dolphins sometimes swim ashore from the sea right onto the beach and, most often, die in what are know as 'mass strandings'.
Unfortunately, this type of sự kiện is a frequent occurrence in some of the locations that you'll be travelling to tát,where sometimes the tide goes out suddenly, confusing the animals.However,there are many other theories about the causes of mass strandings.
The first is that the behaviour is linked to tát parasites. It's often found that stranded animals were infested with large numbers of parasites.For instance, a type of worm is commonly found in the ears of dead whales.
Since marine animals rely heavily on their hearing to tát navigate this type of infestation has the potential to tát be very harmful.
Another theory is related to tát toxins,or poisons.These have also been found to tát contribute to tát the death of many marine animals. Many toxins,as I'm sure you're aware,originate from plants,or animals.
The whale ingests these toxins in its normal feeding behaviour but whether these poisons directly or indirectly lead to tát stranding and death,seems to tát depend upon the toxin involved.
In 1988, for example,fourteen humpback whales examined after stranding along the beaches of Cape Cod were found to tát have been poisoned after eating tuna that contained saxitoxin,the same toxin that can be fatal in humans.
Alternatively, it has also been suggested that some animals strand accidentally by following their prey ashore in the confusion of the chase.I 1995 David Thurston monitored pilot whales that beached after following squid ashore.
However,this idea does not seem to tát hold true for the majority of mass strandings because examination of the animals' stomach contents reveal that most had not been feeding as they stranded.
There are also some new theories which links strandings to tát humans. A growing concern is that loud noises in the ocean cause strandings.
Noises such as those caused by military exercises are of particular concern and have been pinpointed as the cause of some strandings of late.
One of these,a mass stranding of whales in 2000 in the Bahamas coincided closely with experiments using a new submarine detection system.There were several factors that made this stranding stand out as different from previous strandings.
This led researchers to tát look for a new cause. For one, all the stranded animals were healthy.In addition,the animals were spread out along 38 kilometres of coast, whereas it's more common for the animals to tát be found in a group when mass strandings occur.
A final theory is related to tát group behaviour,and suggests that sea mammals cannot distinguish between sick and healthy leaders and will follow sick leaders,even to tát an inevitable death.
This is a particularly interesting theory since the whales that are thought to tát be most social - the toothed whales - are the group that strand the most frequently.
The theory is also supported by evidence from a dolphin stranding in 1994.Examination of the dead animals revealed that apart from the leader,all the others had been healthy at the time of their death.
Without one consistent theory however it is very hard for us to tát tự anything about this phenomenon except to tát assist animals where and when we can.
Stranding networks have been established around the world to tát aid in rescuing animals and collecting samples from those that could not be helped.
.I recommend John Connor's Marine Mammals Ashore as an excellent starting point if you're interested in finding out more about these networks,or establishing one yourself.
🔥 Đáp án và lý giải section 4
Giải quí chi tiết
Xác tấp tểnh loại kể từ cần thiết điền: Noun (cái gì hoàn toàn có thể thay cho thay đổi quickly)
Sau lúc nghe tới cụm " most often, die in what are known as 'mass strandings'.
>> Giới thiệu về mass stranding là gì >> Đáp án sẵn sàng vô.
Quý Khách nghe "this type of sự kiện is a frequent occurrence in some of the locations....where sometimes the tide goes out suddenly, confusing the animals."
>> Xuất hiện nay thông thường xuyên (frequent occurrence) ở những điểm tide cuốn rời khỏi bờ hốt nhiên (goes out suddenly)