A study was set up to examine the old marriage advice about whether it's more important


Xuất bản: 01/04/2021 - Cập nhật: 02/04/2021 - Tác giả: Phạm Dung

Câu Hỏi:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to tát indicate the correct answer to tát each of the questions from 36 to tát 42.

A study was mix up to tát examine the old marriage advice about whether it's more important to tát be happy or to tát be right. Couples therapists sometimes suggest that in an attempt to tát avoid constant arguments, spouses weigh up whether pressing the point is worth the misery of marital discord. The researchers from the University of Auckland noticed that many of their patients were adding stress to tát their lives by insisting on being right, even when it worked against their well-being.

The researchers then found a couple who were willing to tát record their quality of life on a scale of 1 to tát 10. They told the man, who wanted to tát be happy more than thở right, about the purpose of the study and asked him to tát agree with every opinion and request his wife had without complaint, even when he profoundly didn't agree. The wife was not informed of the purpose of the study and just asked to tát record her quality of life.

Things went rapidly downhill for the couple. The man's quality-of-life scores fell, from 7 to tát 3, over the course of the experiment. The wife's scores rose modestly, from 8 to tát 8.5, before she became hostile to tát the idea of recording the scores. Rather than thở creating harmony, the husband's agreeableness led to tát the wife becoming increasingly critical of what he did and said in the husband's opinion). After 12 days he broke down, and the study was called off because of "severe adverse outcomes."

The researchers concluded, shockingly, that humans need to tát be right and acknowledged as right, at least some of the time, to tát be happy. They also noted this was further proof that if given too much power, humans tend to tát "assume the alpha position and, as with chimpanzees, they become very aggressive and dangerous." It is often said that there can be no peace without justice, and that's true of domestic sphere.

Obviously the results are to tát be taken with extreme caution, since this was just one couple with who-knows-what underlying issues beforehand. But the study's chief author, Dr. Bruce Arroll, maintains that the question of happiness vs. rightness, theoretically, could be settled by scientific inquiry with a wider sample. "This would include a randomized controlled trial," he says. “However, we would be reluctant to tát tự the definitive study because of the concern about divorce."

(Adapted from https://healthland. time.com)

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